Sai Devotee Priya From India Says: I am Priya, single Parent of 1.9 year son. Before marriage I was working as central government employee. After marriage I resigned for job and left abroad. After 2.5 years of marriage and having baby my husband sent me away from home. I faced 1.5 years of domestic harassment and finally I came back to India in June 2017. By July 7th I got placed in a Bank and they informed that I would receive my joining orders soon.
But till September I did not get any letter. I was totally depressed, suffering with financial crisis, court case and everything else. One day I saw about Mahaparayan in Facebook and I registered. After registration I was added to a group and fortunately I became a volunteer also. Once I got very much involved during this parayan process I realised all my hurdles started clearing one by one.
I got a call from my Employer and I was issued an offer letter.
Court Case is very much positive for me as there is no mistake from my end.
Once I start working all my financial issues will get resolved.
I have done 5 Thursdays Vrath. Prepared 108 Rotis and distributed to poor during my waiting time. And now from October 10th I will start my work. Sai Baba will always be there for us if we trust Him and pray Him.
Yes Baba is always there for us when we surrender to Him completely. And Baba had also said to Sai devotee Soumya ji that this Mahaparayan would benefit Samasta Loka.So let us Keep doing parayan and good things will surely happen. Jai Sai. Love You Baba so much…! – Pooja Garg
#Experience 20
P. S. We started publishing one experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related ONLY to Mahaparayan to Mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
My cat that never went out of my house was missing for a week. I gave up all my hopes of his coming back home. Today morning my cat came back. All happened by the grace of dearest sai. I doubted the power and love of sai for this incident due to which i was thinking of leaving the mahaparayan. But sai proved me wrong, I am soooooooooooo sorry baba. Many of them might think that just for a pet cat i was foolish to think all that. But after experiencing so many hurdles in life I just could not retain my faith. But baba I just love you too much for which I resolved to post this experience if you return my cat. Here I am writing this experience to thank you for bearing all my harsh and rude behaviour with you. Loads of love baba
Jai sairam..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
om sai ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sairam
Om Sai Ram!