Miracle Of Lifetime- Impossible Became Possible By Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings

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Shirdi Sai devotee Prasanna Nair from India says: My name is Prasanna, Om Sai Ram to all. I would like to share with you a miracle that happened to my close friend recently. My friend underwent a cataract operation for both her eyes. But unfortunately, one eye’s vision post the operation was deteriorating. She went for an eye check-up to a doctor. He mentioned that this was a rare occurrence and that she would slowly lose her sight completely in that eye. After seeing a couple of doctors, she was directed to a cornea specialist. The doctor said an operation was inevitable as the cornea had crumpled up. He had also mentioned that right now she has only 60% vision which will reduce if the operation is not done.But post the operation she will either get the same amount of visibility or it might reduce. It cannot ever be better than this.

She came to me and told me everything. She and I cried together, she was the one who introduced me to Baba and was always there for me when I needed her.This was the time when Mahaparayan was going on. That night,I was very depressed and I cried my heart out to Baba asking Him to save her and to give me some answer. I generally open a page from ‘Baba is Still Alive’ book for an answer. I got multiple answers affirming that Baba will save her. “Why do you cry in vain, be patient, she will be absolutely fine”. Baba told me.

On the 9th November, she left for the operation. It was a Thursday and I gave her Vibuthi and told her all will be well and that Baba was with her.There was a Baba Temple right next to the hospital, she went there and took Baba’s blessings before stepping into the hospital. She left everything in the hands of Baba then.

After a week of the operation, she came to me, telling me that she was able to see a tree from her balcony which she couldn’t previously. Everyday she felt an improvement.She kept telling me everytime.
After a month, when she went back to the doctor, he just couldn’t believe it. He told her it’s a miracle that she got her vision back.She has now begun to read without her glasses, In fact she can see better with this eye. I had made her vow that if she gets her vision back, we will go to Shirdi and that she should enroll for the Mahaparayan and read the Satcharitra on her own. Thank You Baba, for making us believe in our faith in You.
Innumerable Leelas, Uncountable Blessings, Everlasting Care, Overflowing Love, Ceaseless Miracles…Baba’s Perpetual Presence Is Always Experienced By His Devotees Even Today In these forms.

Om Sai Ram.
Prasanna Nair

Sai is the Doctor of doctors, the Master Architect of all. If we can wash His feet with tears of love and faith then miracles would not be far off from our vision. We are really blessed to have Sai as our Guru, Friend, Father and merciful mother too. How can we ever repay Your debt Baba? Will always be indebted to You. Love You Sai Maa. Jai Sairam! 

-Pooja Garg*

#Experience 92

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen..!

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  1. Baba even i want such a miracle. I joined maha jaap and with in 5 days i am diagonsed with glaucoma. From past 10 years i was a glaucoma suspect but now i have to be on drops thru out my life. Baba i thought maha jaap n maha parayan will savd me. But im really depressed. Why me Baba. Im in 30s. Im diabetic..have galucoma..high cholestrol n order for thyroid. Why Baba. Im losing trust Baba. I know you can make impossible possible. But why you are silent Baba. Im unable to eat properly. Though im watching my diet im getting high readings. Baba please save me. Please Baba. Please forgive me Baba and Please remove my sins.

  2. What a divine Leela! You have such pure hearts and were so earnest that Sai had to answer your prayers! Jai Sai Ram ��

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