Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Uma Ilango from USA says : I am Uma Ilango from Phoenix AZ USA.
Om Sai Ram to all my fellow Sai Devotees from the Global Mahaparayan. I am grateful and thankful for Pooja ji for organizing the Global MP and Gayathri Rajaram ji, MP 95 US Sai Captain, for initiating me to be a part of this Mahaparayan.
For our dog, Bubbles, there was a growth above her nose for around five to six months. When we showed the doctor, she told us to return if the growth became bigger in order to treat the growth. A few months later, on September 26, we went back to the doctor in order to check on the growth as it was still present.
After seeing the growth of the bump, the veterinarian described two different procedures we could undergo, in order to maintain the well-being of our dog’s health. First, was to go through with a $180 biopsy, this was in order to further show what the exact problem with her bump was. That day itself, I said that our family was comfortable with going through that procedure. However, the next thing that happened confused me. A few minutes later, she returned and said that there was another solution that would cost $400. This would give the most precise version of the biopsy and would give a clear-cut solution to whatever the disease was and if needed, she said we may go for a surgery. I thought that this was very suspicious, especially considering that she said both of these solutions, right after each other. This worried me and made me believe that they were simply going to take my money for a similar process that would not benefit the future health of my dog. I then told them, that I would not go through with either of these procedures.
On September 30th, the first day of MP, we took her to the hospital and we had her general dental cleaning done, no biopsy. That same week, I prayed to Baba and gave away eating white sugar, praying to Baba to take care of our Bubbles. For the next two to three weeks, I applied Sai Baba’s Udi from Shirdi to the bump on her forehead every day. Following this, the growth disappeared and all was well for Bubbles. This action was miraculous, and I praise Him for looking after me and my family so beautifully.
Baba’s Love Embraces Animal Kingdom As well as Thee Human Kingdom, So Should Yours, Show Equal Apathy , Love And Care For Other Jeevas.
Om Sai Ram!
Uma Ilango
Baba is very merciful and He has left the nectar in form of His Udi behind. Udi is Baba Himself and we are very lucky to have it with us for all kinds of our materialistic, worldly or spiritual needs. Love You Saimaa. Jai Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 115
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