MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Gowri Oberoi From India Says: Hi I am Gowri Oberoi from New Delhi sharing another miracle of Baba. I would like to share how Baba collected ₹50 from me yesterday on my Anant Akhand Sai Mahajaap group’s Monday Mahajaap day. (26-2-2018)

On Sunday night (25-2-2018) while doing prayers, I wished that Baba should come in some way on Monday and collect ₹50 from me which I wished to donate. Later I forgot all about it.

On Monday in the evening I was praying and before completion I prayed to Baba to show me some sign that he is accepting my prayers. That same second when this thought crossed my mind the doorbell rang.Ringing of bell is believed to be a ‘yes’ from God in Hindu religion.So I got excited and rushed to the door to see who it was.

It was a young boy from the local chemist shop who had come to deliver some medicines that my husband had ordered. I took the medicines and asked him if he had change for 2000₹ note as the total was around 682₹. He said he only had change for 1000₹ and then took out a ₹50 note from his pocket and gave it to me saying that he had to return this balance of 50₹ to Sir(my husband) the previous day.
He requested that I shouldn’t deduct this 50₹ from the 1000₹ balance as this is separate!
As soon as he said this immediately I remembered the 50₹ I had wished to donate and knew this was Baba reminding me!

I took that 50₹ note from him and got the money for the medicines from my purse and when I looked at the 50₹ note he gave me, I observed that it was old so I kept it in my purse as Baba’s gift, took out a fresh new 50₹ note along with the money for medicine and went and gave him saying that the 50₹ was for him and all the while I was happily chanting Om Sai Ram in my mind. He took it, smiled and said “thank you” and then I asked him what his name was and he said “Amar”. It’s always my habit to scramble letters to make different words as I am a huge fan of the Scrabble word game so I was astonished to see Baba’s Leela as the name Amar unscrambled to Rama!

This is how Baba even in this modern world approaches us and fulfils all our wishes and collects whatever amount we wish to donate showing his all pervasiveness.

Thank you for accepting my prayers and blessing me like this Baba. And as they say when God gives He gives abundantly, so I am sure He showered His blessings on all the Parayan and Mahajaap devotees as well.

Om Sai Ram
Gowri Oberoi

Baba never wants big donations offered with pride and haughtiness. He always looks for anything no matter how trivial it is but offered with all love and devotion. Gowriji then how could He ignore your true feelings when you wanted him to oblige you by accepting your dakshina in any form. None can equal Your love Baba. Blessed to be Your children. Love You Baba. Jai Ho Sai…!

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 184

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

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