MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Priya Subbu from India says : Koti Koti Pranaams To Shirdi Sai Baba. My humble prostration to You Baba and a heart full of gratitude to Poojaji and Mahaparayan team for undertaking this mammoth task of bringing Sai’s children all over the world to be part of Mahaparayan.

May Baba bless you all abundantly, He has chosen you all as a medium to bring His blessings to all Mahaparayan members. No words can describe how blessed and fortunate we are. Initially when the Mahaparayan started, I was a bit doubtful of myself whether I would be able to complete reading the chapters and reporting it on time. I am part of the Thursday parayan and also the 365 days parayan. The beauty is that and I am sure all Sai devotees have experienced this that when you undertake a task and pray to Baba, He ensures that you complete it somehow. With His blessings so far I have managed to read every single day at least one chapter if not more.

Last year was my son’s crucial HSC year. He was very tensed as he wanted to get good marks and get into a good university. When he went through his examinations, I held the Satcharitra close to heart and prayed to Baba to bless him. I read my allocated chapters with Shraddha and our Sai did not let me down. My son passed with a good percentage and is now a student of UNSW doing a course of his choice. My namaskarams to You Sai.

My husband was very dejected as for the past few years he has been desperately trying for a promotion. All others who have less experience than him got promoted. I started reading from Dussera and in December we got the good news that he had been promoted. Baba You are Mahaan. We have no words to express our gratitude and I again want to personally thank you Poojaji and the Mahaparayan team for bringing such a positive influence in our lives. The lives we lead nowadays is full of stress, anxiety, depression, sorrow. Taking part in this global event reduces our past karmas, makes us see the good in all human beings, makes us want to give to society and most importantly brings us closer to Sai.

When I started the reading I asked Baba from the bottom of my heart to grant me my wish to visit Him in Shirdi. He made sure that not only did I get a good darshan, but gave me more. He made me take aarti at Khandobaji’s temple personally(at the same time the dhoop aarti was going on in Samadhi Mandir). He made me meet Vinni Ma who is a walking talking Sai herself. It was like Baba made me meet Himself through her. I am so so blessed and this is again thanks to reading Sai Satcharitra everyday.

Sai is bringing me closer to Him ever than before. My mind was very perturbed with silly unwanted thoughts before I took part in the Mahaprayan. Now every day I wake up and I eagerly await to read my allocated chapter and spend the rest of my day in trying to absorb what I have read and practice it.

Again thanks to Poojaji and team. I am also part of the Anant Akhand Sai Mahajaap where our chantings reverberate in this entire Universe. May Baba bless you all my Sai Family, we are so blessed, through Poojaji Sai has connected us to each other, may Baba guide and bless each and every one of you Sai Souls. Anantakoti Bramhand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Bramha Sachidananda Shree Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Om Sai Ram
Priya Subbu

It is all Baba’s grace that He chose us. He is the only The All Doer, controlling each and every little action of Mahaparayan too. So please don’t thank me, if at all anyone wants to really thank Baba then one can thank Him by volunteering for the various seva and spreading the word to more and more people so that they too can bask in the warmth of our Sai’s love and devotion. Thank You Priya ji and all the participants for coming forward and laying the base for global Mahaparayan. We All Should Feel Extremely Blessed to be chosen! Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai…!

-Pooja GArg

#Experience 191

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Maha Parayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. Oh My Sai!!! You met Vinny Chitluri Madam??!!??. I heavily envy you 🙂 .You are so But thanks for the info. Om Sairam Sri Sairam Jai Sairam.

  2. Om Sai Ram priya ji. Really feeling so great after reading your experiences. I have been to shirdi twice this year with Baba's blessing. . N now waiting for Baba's call for shirdi again. I am eager to know about Vinni maa. I read about her in your post . May I know who is she? Never heard about her in past 12 years..

  3. Om sai Ram.. priya ji feeling so great to read to your experience. With Baba's blessing visited shirdi twice this year. Eager to go again.. but I never heard about Vinny ji? May I know who is she?

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