Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya from India says : Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. My Khichdi Parayan Experience. It’s been very long time I have not shared my experiences. I was busy with our groups and with Baba’s Blessings all groups are going on successfully. Today I would like to share how Baba loves to have food offered by His devotees when we make with love for Him. How He reminds us to make it .
Main miracle starts here, two times I couldn’t offer Khichdi as I went out to someone’s place. As I mentioned earlier in my first post that we have 3 Parayan groups on Thursdays. Those two weeks when I didn’t offer Khichdi , I had to read the Khichadi chapter of someone in our group (chapter 28, in which Baba eats Khichdi with love made by Burhanpore lady).
Those who read also didn’t update and I had read them to complete our Parayan. It is not they who forgot to update. It was Baba Who wanted to remind me for my Khichdi offering. Isn’t it the clear example that Baba loves our food. Isn’t this one more example that it is Baba Who wanted and making all these different groups to wash our Bad Karmas.
Big Miracle comes here , which is a clear example that He knows our future and He is always with us watching and protecting us.
One Thursday I had a driving test and I was in RTO office. One of my Khichdi Parayan friend Manju Hiremath sent me Baba Samadhi Mandir picture which was posted that day.(Will attach the picture with this post). Sitting in the RTO office, to get time passed I was just going through my photo Gallery and found this and I was zooming the picture. I found Baba making Khichdi in dhoop which was kept near Samadhi. That day I didn’t know that I was not going to make Khichdi. But Baba knew it, after the test I went back home by 1:30 pm, I was so tired and totally forgot about it. Later I understood, Baba gave me a message not to forget making Khichdi.
Samadhi Mandir Picture
I felt so happy that Baba chose me for this Khichdi Parayan (BMP) group. Thank You so much Baba for making me part of this Group.
Sharing this as a gratitude to Baba for making me part of Khichadi group and choosing me to initiate three different groups like Tuesday Parayan group with Hanuman Chalisa, Pournami Bramha Muhurth parayan, Saileelamrutham and Gurucharita Parayan.
Love You always Baba, sorry for posting this so late, as this happened in December 2017. I couldn’t post this till now.
Sai Ram
Believe in Baba, to Him, everyone is equal those who pray and those who do not pray. He is with everyone always trying to lead His children on the spiritual path. Love You Baba, ever indebted To You. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 244
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Maha Parayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
SAI saib