Shirdi Sai Devotee Aarti Agarwal from India says: “Om Sairam”, I am Aarti Agarwal,a Sai devotee from Pune, Mahaparayan group. Firstly, I would like to thank Sai Baba for making me join Mahaparayan group and blessing me and my family.
I was travelling to Shirdi with my family and my mother by road but on the way unfortunately met with a nearly fatal accident near Nagar; but with Baba’s grace and His protection shield all of us survived with mild injuries but my mother fractured both her hands and had to undergo surgery. Before the surgery, in routine tests she was diagnosed with low heart beat rate that too only 40%, where in normal cases its 50% to 70%.
The surgery seemed critical but with Baba’s grace everything went on smoothly and she was discharged in a week. We even consulted a cardiologist for her further treatment, but few days back she had a chest pain and we all were very nervous. This happened on Tuesday 10th of April but she refused to see a doctor. I was praying to Sai Baba to cure her completely and that the chest pain should be a mere gastric pain and nothing major.
After lots of pressure from the family she visited another cardiologist on Thursday, Mahaparayan day. I was very tensed thinking what the doctor would say. I read my chapters from Sai Satcharitra and kept praying. In the afternoon I sat in front of my temple and started with Sai Jaap which I randomly do at no fixed hours.
As soon as I finished my Jaap I got a call from my husband that my mother’s heartbeat had increased to 55% and the pain she suffered on Tuesday was nothing to worry about. Moreover the doctor reduced her medicine dose also. I was stunned to see such a miracle which I had only heard about. Sai Baba had done it once again. He truly blessed my mother and me indeed. I am so so very thankful to Baba and I wish He keeps showering His blessings on my family always. Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai.
Jai Sairam
Aarti Agarwal
Faith and Patience are an inward light that makes the path before us always bright. As is our faith so is Baba’s response. Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai…!
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 274
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