Shirdi Sai Baba Solved My Husband’s Health Problem During Mahaparayan MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Sulakshana Chandra from USA says: Hi Pooja Ji Om Sai Ram.I am Sulakshana from USA, I am blessed to be part of Mahaparayan group. We strongly believe Baba is always with us and Baba protects us every second. I joined Mahaparayan in 2017 and here is my experience.

From past 2 years my husband is suffering with some health problems and He is using allopathic medicines in USA. We went to many doctors, and each time doctors prescribed new medication. He started having some serious side effects with those medicines.

Doctors almost tried all the medicines available for the problem and there was no other medicine available in allopathy. Hence, we stopped using the medicine and we were very much worried. He took superior doctor’s appointment in University of Texas Research center for further evaluation. He got appointment in August, 2018.

Before the doctors appointment miracle happened in our life. We have faith, hope, and love on Baba, Who will see us from all sides. We are praying Baba, and my husband also wanted to join Mahaparayan. He prayed Baba that he will join this year’s Mahaparayan and prayed to cure his health problems.

In June, we somehow contacted one Ayurvedic doctor in India, and he prescribed some remedies. From June 18th,2018 he started using Ayurvedic medicines and followed the given remedies. This time we completely depended on Baba instead of the medicines.

On July, 27th,2018 my husband joined in new Mahaparayan group which was started on Guru Pournima as prayed to Baba. On second week of Mahaparayan (August 3rd, 2018) my husband went for health check-up and did all the blood work with the hope on Baba.

In third week of Mahaparayan (August 9th,2018) we got the results – Miracle happened, the reports were normal and that too without using any allopathic medications or side effects. Allopathic medicines never worked, and we never thought ayurvedic medicines work this much quickly. Even ayurvedic doctor told us it will take a long time to see the actual results.

But with Baba’s blessings everything became normal in very short period of time, and we surprised by seeing the test results which never happened from last 2 years.

Baba started curing him, when he thought of joining Mahaparayan and he became normal by the time Mahaparayan new group started.

Here we strongly believe, it is not the medicines that cured him. Only Baba’s blessings were the real medicine for all my husband’s health problem.

 Om Sairam.
 Sulakshana Chandra.

We have seen in Sai Satcharitra also (Ch -13) that it was purely Baba’s grace and blessings only that cured the devotees and not the medicines which were just for namesake. Satcharitra leelas are happening even now. Baba Himself pulls His people in His Mahaparayan, polishes them and even selects His jewels as His volunteers and finally adds a Sai shine in our life. Baba we really feel blessed to be a part of such noble service of Yours for the Samasta loka. Ever Indebted To You! Love You Deva. Jai JAi Ho Sai…!

Pooja Garg

#Experience 374

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

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