Shirdi Sai Devotee Tanu Sehgal from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. I, Tanu Sehgal belong to the MP-328 group. Me and my family have been ardent devotees of Baba since the last few decades. I recently (August 2018) came to know about the Mahaparayan from a fellow devotee and friend. It has just been 2 weeks since I started with this practice. I had heard about a lot of miracles happening with people but I didn’t know I would be the chosen one as well, that too, so soon.
I have a court case going on for which I was supposed to appear in the court on this Thursday(my 2nd week of reading the Mahaparayan). I had read my allocated chapters before going to the court but couldn’t find any hidden message hinting at anything which I was hoping for. Anyway, by Baba’s grace the court date went very well for me and while coming back I had to collect some important documents urgently from some other branch in the court. I got inside the room along with my dad, who is a devotee too. We saw a man amongst many others in that room.
The man was a middle aged man and had a prominent yellow sandalwood tikka right in the middle of his forehead. He smiled at my dad, which amazed me and I asked my dad if he knew that man? My dad replied in the negative and jokingly said that the man must have got impressed with his grey hair and would be showing him some respect. We went up to the man and asked for the concerned documents. There were lots of people in the room but that man focussed on us and our work. He asked me for the details and when I furnished them to him he handed out the papers to me asking for the receipt.
As all of us are well aware, any legal document cannot be handed over without a proper signature or receipt. I had lost my receipt and it was mandatory to furnish it. He politely asked me again and when I said I couldn’t find it he said that he was sorry and that he won’t be able to give the documents to me without the receipt. My dad intervened and said you look like a follower of Baba I could make that, out all thanks to that teeka on your forehead, we are followers of Baba too. Upon hearing this that man immediately asked me to open the folder which I was carrying with me. As soon as I opened it, he pointed to the picture of Baba nestled inside the folder. He further said that he had already seen this photo in my folder when I had opened it before. “Here, take the documents.” Without a receipt he handed the documents over to me. Which was a big miracle in itself but there was more to come.
A stamp worth Rs 29/- had to be affixed on the document. We handed him the money but he said he couldn’t take that as they need stamps to be affixed and not money. We didn’t have stamps and in order to buy them we would have to go to a different far away area. That man kept looking at us and when we said that it would be quite a hassle for us to go and get the stamps he said he would send one of his boys but he asked for change. My dad and I had Rs 100 as the lowest denomination currency note. How could we get Rs.29. that man was adamant and said he needs change as he will be worried how to return those 71 rupees back to us? My dad immediately said can you please take 100 and buy stamps for 29 and rest 71/- offer as dakshina and put it in Baba’s mandir from our side.
Without further ado he took that currency note from my dad and kept it aside and said- your work is done. He raised both his arms in the air (just like Baba did to bless us all ) looked at me in the eye and said with his arms in the air, that yellow sandalwood teeka shining on his calm face, “ Your wish will be fulfilled, whatever you desire will be given to you. I bless you”. In that instant, in that posture he looked like Baba incarnate to me. I could not even look into his eyes. I bowed my head down and moved out of the room, tears streaming down my eyes. I was too zapped to say anything. I couldn’t believe my good luck that Baba chose to grant me His darshan like that. It’s been 4 and a half years since I’ve been going to the court and had never been to this specific room. Why today? Out of all the days, why on a Thursday? I guess because I had to be blessed with His divine presence. I was overwhelmed that He even accepted our Dakshina of 71/- which is quite an odd figure but not for Baba as I had read in one of the chapters before how Baba used to ask for a specific amount as dakshina, nothing more, nothing less but that same exact amount. I am blessed beyond words can explain. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram.
Tanu Sehgal
What to speak of this Deva? Leelas behind leelas! 25th Dec being Christmas, somewhere my heart was wishing to have an amazing post for the blog. But as per the sequence we did have one but not exactly of the kind that my heart demanded. Then taking it as Baba’s wish moved on with further posts for pre-scheduling and came across yours (Tanuji’s) as per sequence. Had tears to feel the darshan that you had of Baba and felt this is the kind of the experience that I was looking for but felt sad that I had already scheduled some other experience as per sequence for 25th Dec. But His ways are His ways! Unbelievably and unknowingly Baba made me change the date of the one that was for today and I realised it just when I was saving it. So taking it as Baba’s wish too I rescheduled the post for 25th Dec. Thanks for sharing the amazing leela where you could see Baba in that man which is what Baba also wants us to see Him as He exists in everyone! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 400
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Maha Parayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
Thanks for sharing your wonderful Baba's leela. Om sai ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram
U are incredible Deva
Om sai ram ….
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram….
Nothing is impossible for sairam
Om Sai Ram…
Om Sai Ram…
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Our Sai Deva is Omnipresent. In what form he comes, we don't know. But he is always with his devotees.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Anantha koti brahmanda nayaka rajadhiraja yogiraja parabrahma sri sachchidananda sadguru sri sainath maharaj ki jai 🙏
Thanks for sharing Leela's of Sai🙏
🙏 Om sai ram 🙏. We need your blessings always 🌸🌸🌹🌹