MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee From India says :
Om Sai Ram. I would like to remain anonymous and share my Mahaparayan experience. It is about how Mahaparayan Changes my life through reading with love, commitment and devotion.

I started reading for Mahaparayan through this wonderful soul I met a year prior. I introduced her to a Sai Ashram in the area as she was not from around the area and did not know of any Ashrams in the area. She was also a Shirdi Sai devotee. I guess I am mentioning this because I believe Swami works in mysterious ways. He brings people into our lives for a reason. I started reading forMahaparayan in September 2017. I was very unhappy and frustrated at work. People were taking advantage of me and using me for their benefit. My supervisor was earning way more than me but I was doing her job. Eventually it was becoming too much, the work environment was not at all conducive. In addition my then boyfriend now fiancé was and still is in another Province. My mother had a gambling problem. The strain at home was even becoming unbearable. I started reading Mahaparayan with no expectation. I just did it and continue to do it with my heart and my love for Swami.

In July 2017 I applied to do my Masters this year however I was informed that I was unsuccessful. In August 2017 I applied for a promotional post in another Province and I got it towards the end of 2017. The news that I was successful came on a ‘’Thursday Morning’’. It was in another Province and not in the same Province as my fiancé. My mum eventually started showing some improvement and the mother that was taken from me and I had not known for over 7 years was showing signs of the mother I knew. In January 2018 unexpectedly I received a call from the University. I remember it was a ‘’Thursday Morning”. They had called me from the University to tell me that my application into Masters was successful and that they were offering me a place to study this year as they had place for one more student. I was never expecting that call as I was told that I was not successful. I had some doubts of accepting because I was away from home and it would be difficult where I was to travel for lectures. However I grabbed it with both hands and had faith and trusted in Swami as I realised it was His doing because this unexpected news came to me on a ‘’Thursday’’. The night before towards the early hours of Thursday morning I had a dream where Swami came in my dream and He was walking around me holding a ‘’Red Book’’ in His hand. My father was also in the dream and I was telling my father that he also should start reading for Mahaparayan as anyone that reads this book starts seeing changes in their lives. I also accepted the offer because I remembered this dream that came to me a few hours earlier before I received that unexpected call. I am still in another Province and so is my fiancé. I am away from my family. It is a lot to balance added responsibilities at work, travelling, studies, my long distance relationship.

I would like to illustrate a paragraph from Shri Sai Satcharitra “Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear my stories. Believe Me that, if anybody sings my Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is my special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who worships Me faithfully, and who remembers Me and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My Name who worship Me, who think of my stories and My life, and who thus always remember Me! I shall draw out my devotees from the jaws of death. If my stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid off. So, hear my stories with respect, and think and meditate on them, assimilate them” (Shri SaiBaba Sansthan Trust Shirdi, p11)

I cannot say that life is perfect because I am reading for Mahaparayan. Life is never perfect. These are just some of the changes that I have seen in my life through Swami’s doing and timing. There are daily challenges. I still experience but I believe Swami brought me here for a reason. I trust in Him and have faith in Him as I always have throughout my life. My only prayer now is for everyone reading Mahaparayan wholeheartedly gets to experience some change in their lives and as for myself for Swami to bring my fiancé and myself together in one place once again so that we can start our lives together and our futures together.

I am sharing this experience because I believe that the most important practice is to read for Mahaparayan with love, commitment and devotion with no expectation of anything in return. When you least expect what is in your heart will eventually be answered. For Swami knows and sees what is in your heart, you may sometimes give up hope and feel that He does not BUT HE DOES and His timing is always the right one.

Whosoever offers to Me, with love or devotion, a leaf, flower, a fruit or water, that offering of love of pure and self-controlled man is willingly and readily accepted by Me

Om Sai Ram

Mahaparayan is a global mass prayer which Baba Himself had ordered to be executed and thus has blessed us.As told by Baba its just not for humans but for Samasta Loka. Had it not been Baba then how would it have laid its roots globally with thousands of devotees which was started locally with one team of just 48 devotees. Ever keep blessing us.
Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

Pooja Garg

#Experience 417

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Maha Parayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. Love you baba… You change my life… Otherwise I am not able to to do any job. I was nothing.. And now when I started mahaparayan I feel that we are have every Second something beautiful something good

  2. Yes Baba is always in our hearts for ever if we surrender our Bhakthi with Full confidence.
    One day in my dream 5 years back with white dothi beared and white turban he asked me chapathi but I remembered previous night left only one any way I saw in kitchen plenty of chapathies I wondered completely given to him my sister doing Sai Pooja from one year she told Baba given darshan to you please do Pooja on Thursday's so I am doing regularly till today on Thursdays what ever wish I prayed it is all succesful. I am doing Maha Parayana now .
    Om Sai Ram

  3. Really it is very great experience we get who read mahaparayana before baba is always in our hearts forever if we surrender our prayer with full confidence

  4. I have been baba devotee from my childhood and Baba gave whatever we prayed wholeheartedly. Now I started Maha Parayan from 3 months and then I realised I am relieved from Tonsilities which I was suffering from past 15 years. I am allergic to cold from long time and was planning Tonsilities surgery which got cancelled many times. Now with the Parayan grace, it has healed automatically without any medicine..and I have not even prayed Baba about it but still Baba helped..Not only this..whatever I am in need…I am getting it somehow after starting the Parayan….clearing a tough exam.. office work…health…menstrual problems….Thank you baba for everything.. Love you soo much…Hope Shraddha Saboori showers on all your devotees….Blessed to have Guru like you…Jai Sai Ram

  5. I have been baba devotee from my childhood and Baba gave whatever we prayed wholeheartedly. Now I started Maha Parayan from 3 months and then I realised I am relieved from Tonsilities which I was suffering from past 15 years. I am allergic to cold from long time and was planning Tonsilities surgery which got cancelled many times. Now with the Parayan grace, it has healed automatically without any medicine..and I have not even prayed Baba about it but still Baba helped..Not only this..whatever I am in need…I am getting it somehow after starting the Parayan….clearing a tough exam.. office work…health…menstrual problems….Thank you baba for everything.. Love you soo much…Hope Shraddha Saboori showers on all your devotees….Blessed to have Guru like you…Jai Sai Ram

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