Anonymous devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from India says: Om Sai Ram to all, with Baba’s grace I’ve started Mahaparayan in November 2018. I am very thankful to the team who are working hard to carry out this group prayer. Even though I’ve read Sri Sai Satcharitra so many times, but during Mahaparayan I felt something special as if Baba is telling, not just to read, but to collect the instructions from the chapters and implement them in life. After Mahaparayan I am experiencing so many beautiful changes in my life which I want to share with all of you. I pray to Baba, to help, guide and bless me to write down my experiences, since I am very poor in expressing my feelings.
My married life is not very good from the beginning, even though my husband is a good person, but our relationship was always lacking love, care,understanding and respect. I was tired of his dictatorship and ill treatment to me, fault finding , taunting and arguments. Soon after I started MP, something happened, which broke my heart and I was very much upset on my husband, but I was not expressing it. It was killing me from inside and I asked why Baba, just after starting MP, I am experiencing so much pain. It was late night and I was not getting sleep, I got a link for video, which was a talk about ‘relationship’ sent from a very old friend, staying abroad with whom I had no contact since years. That talk was like ‘we have to send the vibrations of love in our relationships even though we don’t get it in return. If the other person is sending hatred and we also in return will send the same negative energy, then it will only come to us with many fold. So, no matter what we get from the other in a relationship, we should always send the vibration of love and respect. We should not create even the thought of hatred and negativity in our mind.
That talk was so timely and influencing that it made a great impact on me. In that very moment, I felt as if Baba was only telling me all those. The next morning I genuinely felt love for my husband, all my anger was gone. I told to myself, what he feels about me is not in my control, but from my side let me send only love, care and respect. Magically, he also behaved very normally to me and till now no argument, rude talk etc. which is quite surprising.
I request anyone who wants a blissful married life can follow these, 1- Send only the vibration of love and care to the other person even if you don’t get the proper reciprocation.[eventually you will get it someday]
2- Chant ‘Om Sri Sai Prema Pradaya Namah’, whenever possible. I feel marriage is the root or base of all other relationships. If there is proper understanding between a husband and wife, then it will automatically nourish the other relationships, but in it’s absence all other relations are affected, the most affected one is the child. The same thing happened in our case. Our child has grown up seeing lots of fights between us. He has witnessed his father’s rude and careless attitude. In his innocence, with a disturbed mind, out of depression, he wrote down certain things, in his copy at school which was noticed by his class teacher. The same day the class teacher was waiting to show me those and discuss about that matter with me at the time of picking him up from the school. That day instead of me, my husband went to pick him from school since he was at home. This was Baba’s plan only to send my husband instead of me. The class teacher discussed about that with him, which made him little serious and conscious and from that day I am observing he is becoming little more caring for me and our son. I always wanted that my husband should at least be caring for our son, now I can feel that with Baba’s blessing there will be only love, happiness, respect, care and harmony amongst us. This all happened after the second week of MP.
My second experience is – I was suffering from severe cold and allergy since past 4 years. I had to take anti allergic medicines regularly. I wanted to cure it naturally or by taking ayurvedic medicine, but nothing did work. If I won’t take medicine, then buckets of water would flow from nose and eyes, making me irritated and impossible to do my work, if I take medicine I feel very drowsy and lazy all the time. I wanted to stop taking medicine, but couldn’t. Whenever I take head bath, it becomes severe and I had to take medicine. After starting Mahaparayan, I found that I am not getting those allergic attacks, even after taking head bath.
After 2 weeks , one day after taking head bath I felt all those symptoms like eye itching and all. My medicine was over, so I went and purchased 10 tablets in the afternoon. Just before going to bed I wanted to take one tablet since already I was getting lot of sneezing and all. When I opened the bag I found that medicine was not there. I searched everywhere and thought maybe I left it at the store, so next day I went and enquired, the guy checked the stock and confirmed that it was not with them. I was worried that where it had got vanished and those were costly also. But suddenly a thought came, may be Baba doesn’t want me to take those medicines. So I thought let me stop taking medicine, let’s see what happens. Till now, it’s more than 3 months I’ve not taken any medicine and my allergy is under control, only I am taking few cloves of garlic (that too not regularly), which I was taking earlier also but with no result. I believe that it is purely Baba’s grace which relieved me from those sufferings.
Another one– From past few months my son was not getting proper sleep, for long hours he would not get sleep and used to feel irritated, some times only around 2 or 3 am he would get sleep. I was also very much disturbed by this and prayed to Baba to help him, also kept Udi packet under his pillow, asked him to pray Baba before going to bed. Now, slowly I can see the improvement, he is getting sleep much earlier and I am much relaxed now.
Another miracle my husband had ordered a sports shoe for me online. While giving order I told him to get 1 size bigger shoe, but he ordered my actual size, saying that one only would fit me. When the shoe came it was very tight fitting for me, but my husband said, that it was ok. I didn’t tell anything, because my husband always wants everything in his way, if I give my own opinion, then it ends up with quarrel and argument. So I kept quiet to maintain peace. After using the shoe I got some boils and pain on my toes. I couldn’t tell him anything because it couldn’t be returned or exchanged after using it. My only resort was Baba, I prayed Him to do something. I applied some Udi on the shoes and some on my toes. Then I was able to walk with those shoes comfortably, no more pain and boils.
With Baba’s grace everything is possible. If any happy moment is there in my life that is purely because of my parent’s good karma and Baba’s blessings. The sufferings of my life may be due to my past wrong karma, but then these problems only made me close to Baba. I always pray to Baba to guide me in my life, to show me the correct path and be with me always. The positive changes that happened in my life, brought lot of relaxation, hope and confidence in my life. I hope of experiencing yet more beautiful Baba’s leelas during this journey of Mahaparayan and after that also. Let us surrender ourselves to our Sadguru’s holy feet, He can only change our fortune for the better. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Karma never loses its address. It makes sure it comes back to its rightful claimant that too multiplied. Surrendering to Baba and His teachings is the only and only way to workout our previous karmas and make our life comfortable. Let this sansaar pull us and let the maya do her work, we “Sai-ites” should never and never worry for our lives as our Deva has the threads of our lives in His hands. What is the need to worry let the Genius -The Master of Masters do His work and let us just immerse in His kirtan and smaran”. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 523
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sairam . I did really liked your presentation. Misunderstandings ,ego hurtings , ill treatment is most common. Message you left here is so nice. Baba’s timely reply. It did happened so many times in my life too. I will pen down soon.
om sai ram,
What a co-incidence!!!When I am reading this experience,I have tears in my eyes. I am part of MP group from last sep,have been reading devotees experience from last year every day without fail,but last 3 days I did not read it. I had some disturbance with my husband which make me feel depressed and sad, when ever we had any disturbance it should be solved on the same day but this time some how it took more than a week. I thought of sharing my thoughts with him but I stepped back every time thinking that even if I tell also he wont listen. Today evening I went to my pooja room and wholeheartedly accepted my fault with Baba,asked Baba to show me a way to solve my issue then I slept. After some time I suddenly woke up ,did some work about to close my laptop opened "Mahaparayan Experiences Blog",read the above experience.I am dumbstruck."Baba ways are always unique.He just gave me answer through another devotee experience.His love can not explained in words,one has to feel it "
Thank you Baba. Thank you team for such a wonderful platform . Jai sai ram
Wow, Baba's leelas are always unique. We have to just trust him blindly. That's all.
Heart warming experiences Sai Ram…felt you were talking it was so from Dil se….all edpexperices shows your strong faith in Baba ….I loved udi on shoe part ..I could not stop smiling…only the one with immense faith would do that …may Sai shower his choicest of blessing on you n family