MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says:

Please keep me anonymous. Thanks a lot to the team who are maintaining this site as well as those who are smoothly carrying out the process of Mahaparayan. I am really happy and grateful to be a part of this group prayer. Whoever is a part of this Mahaparayan, they must be experiencing the magical, miraculous and beautiful changes in their lives, so do I. Baba, please help me to write about Your grace on us and how You saved us from the calamity.

My mom was suffering from cough and fever from few days, suspected as viral fever and thought it will go after a few days by taking some medications. But it continued for almost a week, which made us to visit a doctor. After doing all the tests it was diagnosed as severe infection in respiratory system, for which she had to take very high power antibiotics for almost 10 days. We were all worried, because my mom can’t take antibiotics, it has a lot of side effects on her. If she takes one also she gets a lot of vomiting and weakness, can’t take any food also. We were bothering, what to do, as there was no other way to cure the infection. I am a married woman staying in a faraway city, prayed to Baba for my mom, took Udi mixed in water on behalf of her, also told my mom to take Udi. Then miraculously the antibiotics didn’t show any side effects, very slowly my mom started recovering, after taking medicines for almost 10 days. I was taking Udi water regularly praying to cure my mom.

When she was little better we thought of consulting a renowned pulmonologist to carry out the further treatment. To our great shock, the doctor, after checking my mom, suspected of something serious in the lung and asked for some more tests to confirm. All these things were indicating to that dangerous disease, which people even scared to utter. The tests were done and we were waiting for the reports to come. This period was really heart aching and terrifying. Our only resort was Baba. I was praying to Baba, read 108 names and few paragraphs from Sai Satcharitra, then I randomly opened an experience on this site and was thinking if anything similar to my situation comes, then I will get some relief and will post the experience if the reports would be normal and there would be nothing to worry about. Surprisingly, the experience was about a devotee who was worried for her Mom’s medical conditions and was waiting for the reports, praying to Baba, if the reports were normal then she would do fast for 11 Thursdays. With the grace of Baba her mom’s reports were normal and nothing to worry. This was like a big sigh of relief for me, as if Baba telling me not to worry. I also decided to keep Vrat for 11 Thursdays, if the reports were normal. And yes, with Baba’s grace, there is nothing serious in the report. I know Baba will cure my mom very soon and she will be perfectly fine. Baba, please accept my pranaam of gratitude.

One day, during midnight I started feeling unwell with stomach pain and nausea. I continuously chanted Baba’s name lying on bed and prayed not get any vomiting. It would have been very painful for me as well as disturbing for others if I would start vomiting at that hour. My only resort was Baba. I prayed to Him to make me feel better, so that I could sleep. I drank some water and tried to sleep by chanting ‘SAI RAM’. After few minutes I don’t know when I slept, morning when I woke up I was feeling much better.

Baba, please forgive me for all the wrong things done by me, knowingly or unknowingly. Always take me on the right path, control my thoughts, speech and action. I completely depend on You; please take control of my life. Baba, help us to follow Your teachings and live the way You want. Dear devotees, during Mahaparayan, let us collect the essence of the chapters we read and follow them in our lives, I think that is the best way to show our gratitude and love for Baba.

Om Sai Ram
Anonymous Sai Devotee

Sai Maa the Doctor of doctors is undoubtedly the best Doctor and Udi Which is Baba Himself is the best medicine. As is the faith so is It’s response. Thank You Baba for the wonderful gifts in this Kaliyug which gives us a feeling of SaiYug with Your blessing hand in the form of Your unconditional love, Udi, Sai Satcharitra, blessings like Mahaparayan and wonderful global Sai family. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 619

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
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