MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Jananiji From UAE Says:

Sai Ram! I would like to share my experience related to Baba’s Blessings on us just 3 days before on 26th July 2019. My family used to go to Shirdi and get the blessings of Baba as and when Baba called us. But for the past 2 years I couldn’t go and as this is Baba’s centennial year, I had wished to go but was not sure when and how. We are basically settled in Sharjah, UAE.

It so happened that my husband moved to Mumbai on official duty and I went to Chennai with my daughter for her vacation. But had no plans to go to Shirdi as my husband was supposed to return to Dubai, within a week.

But as things turned out, his stay in Mumbai was extended and suddenly he saw a video of Pandarpur Vitthal and he decided to call us from Chennai to Mumbai to have both Baba’s Darshan and Vittal’s Darshan. He told me to get ready by the 26th and booked the tickets too. But as you all know there was severe flooding in Mumbai; I was hesitant if we could make the trip. It was Mahaparayan day and along with my daughter I read Baba’s Sai Satcharitra and told Baba to make the trip safe and to take us to have His Darshan. After that I attended my daily chores and by evening there was a request to read chapter 7 in the Mahaparayan group. I wished to read, and I started reading Chapter 7. I had goosebumps as in that chapter there was mention of devotee going to Shirdi to get Baba’s blessings, to go to Pandharpur and Baba happily singing songs and giving the devotee permission and blessings to have Vittal’s Darshan. All my confusion vanished as I was convinced that Baba had given His consent for us.

Next day it was like magic. Mumbai was flooded but our flight from Chennai was not cancelled, and as soon as we reached Mumbai, my husband came with cab and we straight away headed to Shirdi to get Baba’s darshan. As we landed there was no rain. It is on 26th July. We crossed Kalyan, Thane and reached Shirdi by evening. On our way there was slight rain here and there. As we got down in Shirdi again no rain. We had a very good darshan of Baba and very closely we could see Him.

Next day, we decided to go to Pandharpur, and we again had no rain. On the way we went to a restaurant and in the news, we saw there was heavy rain and flash floods in Mumbai, Kalyan and Mahalaxmi Express was stranded due to flood on the same date 26th. It just happened as we crossed that place. Baba protected us. Again, when we landed in Pandharpur there was no rain and as Baba said in chapter 7, we had good darshan of Vitthal ji and Rukmini Deviji. And not only that we just went for 2 days and those 2 days Mumbai was flooded except for the place we went, and Baba protected us all through the journey. I returned to Mumbai on the 28th, no rain. I returned to Chennai that night and as I stepped to my house near the gate it started raining again.

Had there been cancellation of flight due to heavy rain; I couldn’t have got Baba’s Darshan and without Baba’s Blessings this was not possible as we had no previous plans. I remember the chapter where Baba pulls His devotees to His place like a sparrow being pulled with a thread. We are blessed to be such sparrows. Baba is the one Who decides, plans and executes everything for His devotees. It is like a miracle for me that unplanned we went to Shirdi during the floods, had Baba’s darshan and Vittal’s darshan and returned safely.

Baba made me read chapter 7 just before leaving and assured me that He will take care of everything and safely brought us back. Thank You Baba and please guide us and be with us always as now.
Baba is there for all of us. Why fear when He is here?

Jai Sai Ram
Janani Ashok

Baba knows all, even the smallest whisper He can hear or the smallest thought He can read. If we take one step towards Baba, undoubtedly He takes 10 steps towards us. Show Baba your unwavering faith and He is sure to to show you His faithfulness till eternity. Thank You Baba for taking care of us. The Master Of Masters has planned the best things for His children who leave the choice with Him with total surrender. Love You Deva, Jai Jai Ho Sai.😊

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 817

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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