MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Srividhyaji Says:

Sairam dear Sai devotees! I am Srividhya Ravi from MP- 8809 Chitra Sai . I would like to share with you all the Sai leela experienced recently by me.

I have faced various types of adversities in life. I decided to consult an astrologer to know when my sagas of sufferings would end. My main concern was my present financial crisis and how I was going to appear for TESOL Canada Board exam for which the enrolment fee was huge. Appearing for this exam might help me get a job, I thought. So, I wanted to take the opinion of an astrologer.

The chapter I read yesterday said, “Throw horoscopes. Believe in Sai and go ahead appear for the exam.”

Therefore, I dropped the idea of consulting an astrologer. Our Sai, knowing my determination, played His Leela. My long pending dues from someone was repaid and with that money, I enrolled myself for the exam and gave the exam online.

Since it has been blessed by Sai , I am fully confident that I will clear it easily.

Warm Regards,
Srividhya S Ravi

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Life is an exam and Baba is our Teacher. If we study hard and as per His instructions then this teacher would certainly be pleased and we will pass this life’s exam with flying colours. So let us also strive to do our best and top in these exams too. Just have the faith that with Baba as our Guru we can qualify the toughest exam in our life in any field (aspect). Due to our good luck we got Baba as our Guru. Believe in Sai and not in luck. Baba can turn the bad luck into good luck! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Pooja Garg

#Experience 993

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
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  1. Happy to read the experiences.Our request is to pray for the universe to get rid of this pandemic .All creaters in the universe should get at least one time food .Om Sairam

  2. Yes, we are fortunate enough to be the children of Baba. We can lead peaceful lives by submitting ourselves to Baba.

  3. om Sai Ram.
    It's amazing experience after started reading parayana.baba blessings always there for everyone.Om Sai Ram.

  4. I experience the inner strength in me.. since I m going through a tough time still now.But I do believe that Baba is with me and within y fear when Baba is there..Om sri Sai Ram.

  5. Om Sai Naadha Sarvadaa Neeve Saranu Saranu. Koti Koti Pranam To Sai Baaba’s Lotus Feet..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  6. Om Sai Naadha Sarvadaa Neeve Saranu Saranu. Koti Koti Pranam To Sai Baaba’s Lotus Feet..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  7. Om Sai Naadha Sarvadaa Neeve Saranu Saranu. Koti Koti Pranam To Sai Baaba’s Lotus Feet..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  8. Great experience! Baba is always with us, in thick and thin. We all are very fortunate to be his children. Om Sayee 🙏

  9. Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏Baba save us all from the covid pandemic. Baba U know my situation well I'm waiting fr d miracle to be happened in my life Baba. Baba please show ur Grace on me and bless me with good health.Please cancel my surgery nd chemos Baba.I believe U Baba .Please fulfil my wish Baba.Thankyou..Baba.Om Sai Ram🙏🙏🙏

  10. Om sai Ram, Baba is our best guide, teacher, he teaches every step of our life,how to take,please provide food,shelter,educationto everyone in this pandemic situation ,.we all trust you ,bow you, no doubt these all get demolished so soon,please bless me and all your kids .Baba jai Sai ram On Sai ram

  11. अनन्त कोटीब्रह्मान्ड नायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चित्तानन्द सदगुरु श्री साईनाथ महाराज की जै 🙏🙏🙏

  12. I am also one of Baba's believers since childhood. There were many instances in my life where I always just cried in front of Baba and they seem to vanish like cloud. But this time it is big problem of my life. We are married for 11 years with no kids. Consulted many astrologers and did all kind of Poojas but in vain. Now that I started Baba Mahaparayan, I believe before I complete this I will be blessed with child. Had undergone many procedures for kids, but this process of reading chapters, I believe would help me. jai sairam.

  13. I am also one of Baba's believers since childhood. There were many instances in my life where I always just cried in front of Baba and they seem to vanish like cloud. But this time it is big problem of my life. We are married for 11 years with no kids. Consulted many astrologers and did all kind of Poojas but in vain. Now that I started Baba Mahaparayan, I believe before I complete this I will be blessed with child. Had undergone many procedures for kids, but this process of reading chapters, I believe would help me. jai sairam.

  14. I have my own one other experience with so many other blessings. With recent COVID caes, my Mother and my brother's family exposed to covid Positive persons. I was so worried because my is old and my brother is in 50's. I prayed Baba and asked my MP Class Teacher (CT's) help and their advice. They added my family member names in Baba's prayers and with in 2 days with Baba's blessings my family members got Negative in Covid test. Always Baba will be with us if we believe him as our father and pray with surrendering completely. They have to take one more test if needed. MahaParayan makes people more strong with Baba's blessings. Jai Sai Jai Jai Sairam. Vidya

  15. OM Sai Ram
    Baba is along with us after joining this team i am really seeing wonder's day by day. I pray for the whole team thank you.

  16. On Sai Ram I am always experiencing Baba's grace in every small moments of my life I am sure SRividyaji will clear her exam may baba be with her.

  17. Om Sai ram. He is our saviour in toughest times of our lives. Have full faith in him. He'll take care of everything we need.Om Sai ram

  18. Om Sai ram. He is our saviour in toughest times of our lives. Have full faith in him. He'll take care of everything we need. Om Sai ram

  19. Om sairam.
    I agree one day i have gone through my horoscope which was wirtten by computer during my birth. As i saw it, some of it was bad ,i felt low for a day next day exactly i thought bsba please shoe me something to cheer me in that exact moment i saw in devotees ecperiences a pic that shows to to belive saibaba and not the horoscopes and fine lines on hands. What more do we need?

  20. Leave all your problem upon Lord Sai baba,he will solve it in such manner that everyone feels justice. Just believe him, he is your Sadguru.

  21. Saibaba should stand as a guiding light in everybody's life. May he shower his blessings on every people suffering. Sairam

  22. Om Sai ram 🙏 💐
    I want to share my recent experience. I am a part of Sai mahaprayan group from past 7-8 months and now it has become a routine for me that every Thursday I have to read saisatcharitra. Last week my both kids were not well, it was Rakshabandhan early morning my elder son came to my room and saying he is having fever n feeling cold, I gave him medicine but somewhere I was scared due to the Covid pandemic I asked him to stay in the room,wear mask because I was not sure about his illness..we consulted the doctor and he didn't find any Covid symptom. we all were literally crossing our fingers but by evening my youngerone also had fever and rashes all over his body I gave him medicine fever came down but next day onwards his body rashes had increased n fever too,consulted a pediatric he didn't find any Covid symptom. whole night I couldn't sleep was thinking is it a normal sickness or Covid. In the meanwhile I was giving them baba's Udi in water and praying to baba for their speedy by day fever was Friday the condition was not good I was scared doctor asked us to perform few tests dengue,typhoid etc including Covid. I was praying to baba n promised that once my kids will be fine I will post my experience in Sai baba elder son showed dengue symptoms n younger one as he had high fever and rashes on his body we thought he is also dengue infected.his test came normal and slowly he started recovering.Elder one reports also came ok mainly Covid test came Negative for him. Now both my kids are ok n recovering fast. But the whole one week was a kind of rollercoaster ride for us. Many times I was thinking I am a part of mahaprayan group baba will surely help me..n yes he listened to my prayers. Whatever may be the trouble Sai baba is always there to help us.Om Sai ram 🙏💐

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