MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: With Baba’s grace and my parent’s blessings, I am going to narrate my experience of Baba’s love and care. We are all grateful to the creator of this platform and all who are involved in Mahaparayan. Please keep me anonymous.

During this pandemic period, suddenly one day I developed throat pain, as the previous night our fan speed was more. I mostly get throat infection if I get exposed to wind or take some chilled food. So, I always avoid cold drinks and all. This time when I felt the pain, I started gargling with salt water several times a day. But I felt that I would have to take antibiotics as the pain was more and my voice had also changed. But my husband asked me to try some home remedies, as those times we needed to avoid hospital or clinic visits. I tried all kinds of home remedies. But nothing happened and I also started coughing very badly. Then my husband also got worried and the next day got antibiotics from the medicine store.

That was the previous day of lockdown in India. By the time I started taking medicine, the pain had gone worse and I was coughing badly with no voice coming from my throat. We are all scared by considering the present situation, the only good thing was that I had not got any fever. After the course of antibiotics, my throat pain was cured, but I was still having cough and cold. I was tired of a consistent cough, not able to sleep properly for 3 – 4 nights, as the cough started the moment I was lying down on bed. I was tired of all this; my husband was also worried as to why I was not getting fine. We were avoiding going to hospital during lock down.

Along with all those I was taking Udi water also, but since then medicine was over, Udi water was my only medicine. I took 2-3 times a day. One night when I was unable to sleep, I remembered how last time when my son was not well I wrote ‘Om Sri Sai Arogyakshemadaya Namah’ in a notebook for around 108 times, then he became fine. So, I started chanting the same mantra lying on the bed for 108 times before sleeping. The next day when I woke up I was feeling much better, my cough had reduced by 99%. I am so grateful to Baba, for His love and care. I am ever grateful to You Baba.

Dear devotees, along with taking Udi water, please chant or write Om Sri Sai Arogyakshemadaya Namah 108 times, this powerful mantra will surely cure you of any disease.

My second experience goes like this: My husband’s brother is staying with us for the last few years. Initially, everything went fine, but after some time there were so many conflicts, arguments etc. that started. He started blaming me for nothing, so I kept some distance from him. Recently he again blamed some silly thing and walked out of the house. That was a lock down period and so everything was closed. He called my in-laws and told me so many things. My in-laws called my husband and informed him that because of me he had left the house. My husband and in-laws all got worried and I was targeted by all. I was feeling so bad, as to why all were misunderstanding me with no fault of mine. I prayed to Baba, “You are my only savior, You know everything.”

After some time he returned home and all got some relief. Again he didn’t take the food which I had served for him and went into his room. That whole night I couldn’t sleep as my in-laws , sister-in-laws all were making calls to me, texting me by telling so many things. How could I explain to them about my innocence, my husband had stopped talking to me and along with his parents, he also blamed me.

The next morning it was so late and my husband’s brother was still locked inside the room and was not coming out. My in-laws were calling repeatedly to my husband to pacify his brother. I was feeling so sad, by seeing all this drama. Then I sat in front of Baba, read chapters 11 and 15 of Sri Sai Satcharitra and prayed to Baba to save me from all these things and to make my husband’s brother come out of the room and have his food so that everyone in my in-law’s family would be relieved and I would post it soon.

Just that moment he opened the door of his room, came out and had his food afterwards. All in my in-law’s family got happy and my tension got reduced. Thank You, Baba, for saving me from this trouble. Baba, You are only taking care of me at every step, I am surviving in this life only because of You. All my troubles, worries I am surrendering at Your lotus feet. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental . . . !  

Let us lock our ego, bad thoughts and negativity and open the doors that lead to love, peace, care and devotion. Baba always cares for His children and He is the most merciful and benevolent. His grace will protect us like a shield from the calamities and storms that try to hit us. The more we devote ourselves to His feet the more love, care and grace from Baba surrounds us. Blessed are we to have Baba as our Sadguru! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai
.  😊
-Pooja Garg

#Experience 1215
19 -March-2021 

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too. . . !

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  1. Jai sai ram. Please help me get me out of my depression atleast give me some peace of mind. I promise I'll post my experience immediately. Love you Baba.

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