Sai Will Never Forget His Children

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Rajani From India Says: Om Sai Ram! My name is Rajani, I am from Hyderabad. My mother was a good worshipper of Sai Baba. Because of her I used to do Sai Charitra parayana since my childhood. After her demise, due to depression I did not concentrate much on Sai.
But, as rightly said by Baba, “Though a child may forget its mother but Sai will not forget them even in dreams once you keep your responsibility on Me.”
The words are truly apt for me. In my mother’s absence, He took my responsibility and showered His kindness in all aspects of my life.
Due to job and household work I was not able to do Sai Charitra parayan at these times. I was seriously worrying about that. Then I came to know about this Mahaparayana group and immediately joined. The best thing to share with all the devotees comes here. Due to the pandemic and lockdown I lost my job and was searching for a suitable one. The moment I joined this group I got the best opportunity with Baba’s blessings.
There are plenty of things in my life that Sai did miracles like these. This small experience why I am sharing with all the devotees is to memorise along with you all that. Though we may forget our duties but once we truly believe Baba, He will never leave us alone even in the dreams without protecting us. Jai bolo Sainath Maharaj ki Jai….
Sai Devotee Rajani
#MP-Experience 1701
Privileged To Do Seva In Sai’s MahaParayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Revathi From India Says: I was one of the Parayan devotees of the Dhana group and read my lessons sincerely. After almost five months of Parayan, I got a surprise call from Suganya Sai – the one to take the Parayan sessions to great heights.
She asked if I could become the Class teacher in the Parayan group and gave me a group Nirasrayaya and helped me immensely to conduct it properly. I feel it is the miracle of Sai to give me such a promotion. An unexpected one
as it is for the past 20 years that I have been reading Satcharitra and now I got the privilege to become a Class teacher and thus serve Him.
Om Sai!
Sai Devotee Revathi
#MP-Experience 1702
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
A little effort and commitment from our end helps burn our karmas and reaps benefits in multifold. Baba never forgets nor ignores any menial sewa too of His devotees, so be rest assured that we are filling our pots of good karma and dharma drop by drop. Baba is guiding His children on the spiritual path through the torch of Mahaparayan and it’s volunteers who are the torch bearers as in this Kaliyug there is a lot of darkness on this path. He has truly planned it for the upliftment of His devotees and will soon make this path shine bright by vanishing the darkness. Thank You Baba for Mahaparayan which is turning out as a blessing in this Kaliyuga. Keep reading, keep believing, keep serving Baba and keep sharing His leelas and Baba our guide will definitely bless you in abundance during this spiritual journey. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. -Pooja Garg 😊
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Where should I write my experiences with Babas blessings
Please share your experience on
Om Sree Sadguru Sai Nathay Namah
Om sai ram,answer for all problems
Om sai ram
I have reading mahaparayan since one and a half year still now not survive from the problem in have strucked in a huge problem amount outstanding job are not coming if I work hard also what I think that work is going in wrong direction pls sai ram help me and my family pls help me
Om sai ram. Shukrana sai. App ka her aasra hein.
Om sai ram ! I am Archna das from dehli..devote of sai baba since my childhood, has a tremendous experience of sai lilas. My mum used to follow up, Chanting Mantras , prayers daily for the well-being of family…
I believe that there is a super natural power heading on my head who always guiding me the right path.
Please provide me the guidance for joining this mahaparayan group
Om Sree Sadguru Sai Nathay Namah