Devotee’s Experience Of Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Om Sai Ram. I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from the past 14 years. He has guided me in every step, whenever I have sought His guidance and even when I have not directly sought, but His hand of blessing and protection is always there at all times. I cannot imagine putting even one step forward without my Sai Baba’s permission. Mahaparayan has given me many experiences, all of which I cannot put in words. Whenever there is a doubt or anxiety in my mind, to my surprise, the answer to that thought will definitely be there in the allotted chapters on that day. This itself makes the hair on my hand stand up… How is this possible?
I shall also state the most recent miracle of Baba:
Experience 1: My daughter who was writing her board exams was not at all serious about her studies and I was extremely scared about her admissions. This had caused a lot of anxiety and worry in me and tension at home. As I was reading Sai Satcharitra since I joined Mahaparayan and in every story I used to see how Baba protected His devotees from so many difficulties.
One day, a thought came to mind while reading, that I have been praying Baba for so long to bring me out of some difficulties that I was facing in my life, but why is Baba not helping me in the same way as He had helped so many people who put their difficulties on His feet. This thought came on Thursday while reading Mahaparayan.
On the same night, my daughter had applied to a very good college, though I did not have any expectation to get admission there as they have above 95% cut off every year. On Friday, we got a call from the college and they said that due to this pandemic, they do not have any cut off this time and were giving admissions to students directly. We were so thrilled to hear this. We went immediately and took admission. My daughter got admission to her favourite course in the best college, that too before she got her results. How much we thanked Baba! And the other hidden blessing I got was that, my daughter said that Baba and our family God has helped her to get this. This meant that she was also becoming a devotee of Baba and God.
Experience 2:
Even though her admissions were over, we were still worried about her results, which was expected the following week. We were praying that Baba should somehow make her get decent marks at least. To all our surprise, she got distinction marks. Compared to the effort she had put in, I had not expected even first class marks. How could this be possible? It was sheer leela of Baba and nothing else.
I prayed to Baba asking why He was not helping me like how He was helping others and immediately, He gave me His assurance that He was always with me showering His blessing on us always.
I pray to Baba to protect us, His children always like this.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1725
Mahaparayan Devotee Rescued By Sai

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Nagesh From India Says:
Dear friends,
I am an ardent devotee of Sai Bhagwan and doing MahaParayan for the last six months without missing a single time. Every time, whenever there is trouble or a problem, I pray to Sai. He immediately comes to my rescue and takes me out of the trouble.
My nature of job is visiting the bank twice a week for audit purposes. Every time I go, I pray to Swamy not to get infected with Corona virus. I am so fortunate and blessed that I did not get infected. Two or three times, I wondered whether I was infected, fortunately it did not come. I am so lucky that I was rescued by Sai every time. He is there everywhere, listens to us and takes care of us.
Sai Devotee Nagesh
#MP-Experience 1726
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Once we seek admission in Baba’s school then we will pass all the exams of life with flying colours as after all Baba is our Sadguru. Baba our Guru, knows all our circumstances, priorities and needs better than anyone. He is more concerned for our welfare than anyone. Blessed are we to have Baba as our Sadguru! Baba as our Saguru is due to our past merits. Why fear or worry for anything when Baba is there with us, behind us and ahead of us to take all care of us! He will take care of us in every way be it physically, mentally, financially or spiritually. Have patience in Faith and faith in patience, rest He will do the needful. Jai Gurudev! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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OM Sai Ram