Mahaparayan Devotee’s Experience Of Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Chitra From India Says: Om Sai Ram!
Namastey everyone!
I am Chitra Vijith from the Global Mahaparayan MP-6188N1 group. My journey to know about Baba started from the year 2006. Of all the miracles that ever happened, the biggest miracle that I can never forget happened in the year 2010.
I was diagnosed with a very big health issue and the disease was a very rare case in India. We had visited many doctors across major cities in India. Bigger than the disorder was the cost to treat it and there was no insurance claim available for that particular disease. The treatment cost for a year was in lacs which was not at all affordable for a middle class family.
My husband works in a reputed company. So his bosses advised him to request money for the treatment from the company itself. (But it was very less probable for any company to pay for the treatment of an employee’s wife). At that time I had prayed to Baba that if I recovered from this disease and if I get the money then I would donate the money for social causes by using my jewellery given to me by my parents for my marriage as I am a housewife.
One year later, with Baba’s blessings I got the whole amount of money from my husband’s company. So my husband suggested that he would use this money to pay for social causes but I refused to accept this. Now, 10 years later I have accumulated the same amount of money by taking tuition classes at home. Not only that, now I am perfectly healthy and many doctors are still wondering as my case is a medical miracle.
Baba has now made me join His school of MahaParayan recently and on the day of joining itself He had selected me as a captain of my class. (Captain of Red house Class MP-6188N1 ). Everyday I am grateful for all His doings and my only wish is that as the days go by I want to increase my seva towards Baba. I am also very, very grateful to the MahaParayan and the Nitya Parayan groups for helping me utilise a small part of my day to do seva for Baba.
Baba has blessed us all and He will keep showering His blessings on each and everyone, every day. May His presence be with everyone!
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Chitra
#MP-Experience 1781
Sai Baba’s Heard My Prayers And Blessed Me

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Latha From India Says: I joined the Global Mahaparayan Group from 7 May 2020. I would like to share my yesterday’s experience .
I am based out of Bangalore and I have rented out my house. Since the time of COVID pandemic, my tenant is a native and working from home. Suddenly she came to Bangalore for a couple of days to check if everything was fine at home and found that the water was not coming and the sump was fully empty. She got one of the BWSSB associates to come and check. Yesterday this person came to check and called me. He mentioned that the whole pipeline needs to be changed otherwise the water wouldn’t come. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes from where I am residing to reach my house. On my way, I calculated and was sure that this person would ask about 20 to 25 thousands to do a new pipeline as we have to obtain permission from the BBMP and BWSSB officials for road cutting and other works.
I kept praying to Baba that there should not be any such damage and that no one should cheat me. When I went there, to my surprise while entering the house I found there was water leakage. I opened the tap and the water was coming. In the meantime this BWSSB associate came and he said that this is just a few drops, with this sort of a pressure it would not flow into the sump. He said he would do all the work i.e. from obtaining permission, road cutting, laying pipeline and that it would cost 20K.
While we were talking, I asked my husband to open the ground floor house. Near the entrance we had another tap and water was coming. We went in where our sump is and when we opened the sump door the water was coming and the tank was almost full. I showed this to the BWSSB associate and he said that there was a problem with the pipeline as our pipeline was quite old and that there would be some leakage and we should get a new pipeline laid. He then said that he would leave it to us to decide. I thanked him and told him that we would get in touch with him in case we face this problem again.
Baba really heard my prayers and blessed me. Thank You, thank You, thank You so much Baba. I am really blessed to be part of this Global Mahaparayan group.
Sai Devotee Latha
#MP-Experience 1782
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When things seem out of control, remember Baba is always in control of things. Baba is an armour for His children. The old man comes running and becomes our guardian angel when any calamity comes to hit us in life. Baba help us to have wholehearted devotion towards You and let there be no leakage in our faith and patience. No issues are greater for our Lord Sai Baba. Let us renovate our attitude, thoughts, deeds and love towards all and Baba will renovate our life, guide us and show us the way only to make us happy and blissful. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai ram, Sai baba please help me to quit chewing tobacco. Please I am trying but with out your grace nothing happens.