Bal Hanuman At Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Please see the content below.
Dear Pooja Ji,
Please keep me anonymous, thank you.
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namaha
Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha
Om Saíram dear Devotees,
My humble and gratitude filled Namaskar to you all for I start my morning by reading experiences posted by you. Today I share a beautiful and instructive leela that I experienced due to the grace of our loving and kind Deva; Baba.
Since this leela was an answer to my question I gratefully thanked Baba and carried on happily. Past few years have been challenging and a struggle every morning. What gets me positively looking forward to the new day is reading Mahaparayan Devotees’ Experience blog and to me it is Baba’s assurance that all will be well. Then a thought crossed my mind that I should share this leela with you all and so with Baba’s grace I narrated it and will share the pics too.
We have a beautiful murti of Bal Hanuman at home. One day while closing the blinds my son accidentally knocked it over. Unfortunately it broke from the head and when I came home after work I was very very sad. I love this murti a lot, Bal Hanuman looks adorable like Bal Krishna and we all are very fond of the murti. I lost my peace, appetite and felt hopeless.
Next day a thought occurred to me that I should get super glue and attach the murti (the head was one piece and that was only how it came off, nothing else was broken or even chipped). I sent my son to buy the super glue. Luckily, he got it at a nearby Art Shed store. We attached it and all this while I was chanting Om Sairam Om Sairam. I was praying to Baba to please, please attach it back. It went on very easily and got stuck. I then placed the murti on a beautiful cloth that my friend had brought back for me from Shirdi. On this cloth I also place my Jivti frame in Shravan month for doing puja. Jivti Aai is worshipped and prayed to every Friday in Shravan by Maharashtrian women for the well-being and good health of their children. I wrote Shri Ram Jai Ram 108 times with love and devotion and kept this with the murti. When I was writing Shri Ram Jai Ram all I thought was Baba please make my Bal Hanuman fine again as He was.

Few months back in my dream, I saw many Ganesh murtis, people taking one murti each. Finally there were 2 left before I could take any. All the murtis were beautiful orange in colour, the last two murtis were similar but the finishing on them was not perfect. But looking at these I just wanted to take them no matter what and protect them. Then I woke up. I could not understand the meaning of this dream and various thoughts came to my mind, whether Baba wanted me to know that my sons are not perfect? Because when I saw the Ganesh murti in my dream, I clearly remember the feeling of looking at my kids or any child for that matter.
After a few days I saw a Hanumanji murti in a store which I kept looking at. Even when I came home I thought of the murti and I was thinking about it. I wanted to get it. Somehow randomly I was thinking oh should I keep the Bal Hanuman or do visarjan of it then get the new murti? But I was not ready or happy about visarjan and thought that this Thursday after my parayan I will keep a chit with Baba to guide me. Thursday was super busy for me and I forgot all about the chit, did my parayan and left for work.
At night before going to bed I opened YouTube and found Kaka Pawar’s new video posted by Nikhil on Sai Baba’s Devotees Speak. I was wide awake when I started hearing Kaka’s voice and the contents. My dream of the Ganesh murtis made complete sense to me and all my doubts, superstitions vanished. I understood the start to end of this leela – the tremendous love I feel for Bal Hanuman is like I feel for my children, my devotion and love for Baba is the same feeling and finally the truth that Baba made me see to leave false beliefs and believe only in love. Kaka Pawar has narrated the Tarkhad family’s story about Ganesh murti and how Baba made them realise not to be superstitious about the broken murti. In this leela Baba clearly asks them if they would abandon a child with any broken part in the body? If not, then how can you do so with a murti which you hold so dearly, love and worship daily?
This is the link to the video on YouTube, I request devotees to please hear it. No one can narrate it as beautifully as Kaka has in this video.
I apologise for a long post.
I am ever grateful to Poojaji for this wonderful service she has started and all the devotees who support with this tremendous Mahaparayan leela every Thursday. Poojaji you may know the count of how many devotees you have tied together but the blessings and grateful feelings are in abundance. I salute you and the volunteers for this. May Baba keep us tied together in love and devotion forever. Thank You Baba for being with us always.
Om Sairam.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1873
Sai And Hanuman Appeared At Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Below is my experience with Sai Baba. I want to post it as anonymous. I would like to share my three amazing experiences as a Sai devotee.
I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I have known Sai Baba since childhood. I became a devotee of Sai Baba from the last 1 year. I feel that Sai Baba is always with me and is helping me in very difficult situations. Now I will explain my three experiences from the last 1 year.
My mother is diagnosed with breast cancer. I prayed to all Gods and also to Sai Baba to cure my mother’s cancer. I will describe the experiences during the treatment:
Experience-1: One day I was very scared and requested Sai Baba to come with us to meet the doctor. We had a doctor’s appointment and we went to the doctor’s place to meet him. There were many patients and we waited for a long time. When our turn came, the staff told me to sit in a room and wait for the doctor. We went to the room and sat on the chair. There was a beautiful Sai Baba idol on the doctor’s table facing towards me. Sai Baba accepted my request and came with us to meet the doctor. We went many times to meet the doctor but never saw Sai Baba’s idol in the doctor’s room. I was very happy and the check up went fine and mother was cured. This happened after my mother’s surgery.
Experience-2: Before my mother’s surgery, we had to visit the hospital every month. Due to covid the chest CT scan was done every time. In CT scan reports we could see the cancer lump. I was constantly praying to Baba and was also doing weekly parayan. During one night when I was awake I could see some bright light near my mother. I thought that it was Sai and did not think much about it. Next CT scan did not find any lumps and the lumps had totally shrinked. I was very happy. Doctor also said that he has not seen such a shrink and he said that there is excellent progress.
Experience-3: I am constantly praying to Baba and also doing parayan regularly. I can see various Gods appearing in my house tiles. I am very much sure that it is because of Sai Leela and Sai is protecting us. Below is the image of Sai and Hanuman Who appeared in our house.

Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1874
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Let us stick our heart and soul to Sai's bhakti and never get detached from it. Sai Baba The greatest Doctor of doctors Sai and the world’s best medicine Udi (which is Baba Himself) can cure anything provided we help Him to cure us by having the strong unbeatable faith. Let not the cancer of non-devotion, doubts, greed or other things attack us. Chant Rajaram Rajaram, just do it with all your faith and you will experience His presence. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
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Baba,my sai my little son from all kids appaa🙏🙏
Thanks Sai for each n every thing in my life u have provided me just keep ur blessings always on me n my whole family friends n relatives