Jai Shree Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Priyadarshini From India Says:
Saíram to all Sai Devotees,
I am Priyadharshini Govindarajan from Kuwait belonging to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-9211N1 greenhouse. I would like to share my experience of Baba’s miraculous grace in my life. After I started reading Mahaparayan, I noticed many changes and leelas of Sai happening in my life.
I would say, being able to start reading Mahaparayan and being part of this group is in itself one of the major leelas of Sai in my life.
I have a strong feeling that only when Sai thinks that we should be part of this parayan, then only we can be. I have been a Sai devotee for the past 15 years, but started reading Sai Satcharitra books for the past 1 year only.
Out of the many leelas of Sai Baba in my life, I just wanted to share one.
Past 3 to 4 days I was having throat pain and in my near surroundings also corona came. I was very afraid and prayed to Baba that day overnight that if the throat pain was fine, then I would post my experience in the Global Mahaparayan group. Next day when I woke up there was no sign of throat pain for me.
Jai Sairam…I can feel that He is also there next to me as a member in my home.
Sai Devotee Priyadarshini
#MP-Experience 1875
Sai Baba Has Blessed Our 108 Parayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Moumita From India Says:
Sai Ram All!
I am Moumita Das from Hyderabad, India. I am from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-136N1 , Neha Sai group ( red house: roll number:5). Sai Baba has shown His wonderful leelas in my life in many ways. But today I am going to share the beautiful experience I had while completing our 108 Parayana of Season 3. This Mahaprayana is a blessing for all of us and each and every day we become closer to Baba.
I would like to thank Hetalji and Poojaji for providing us this wonderful platform to share our Mahaparayan experiences. As soon as I observed this leela of Baba, I immediately penned down to my lovely dear sis Neha Dhanpal (who is indeed a blessing to me ). I have been doing Maha Parayana since 2017 and everyday I feel Baba is closer to me as if He is within me. I eat with Him, I talk with Him, I cry with Him, I laugh with Him. Everywhere my Baba is with me. And everytime I feel He is assuring me that He is there for me.
I am sharing here what I wrote to my dear sis Neha just after getting Baba’s Blessings.
“Baba’s Blessings to you. Baba has accepted our Parayana. In the morning I kept 2 yellow flowers on Baba’s photo. Afternoon I saw only one flower on the photo. I was a bit upset, where was the other flower? Maybe it fell down on the floor. But while I was getting ready for the evening arati, I saw the other flower lying just at the feet of Baba near the plugin box. At once my heart leaped up in joy. That Baba is blessing our Parayan.”

To all the Sai Devotees, I would like to add a note: “Keep doing Parayana. It is the medium through which you get more connected with Baba and have that assurance that Baba is with us.”
Have a blessed Thursday to all. Happy Navratri. Happy Durga Puja. Shubho Maha Shashthi
At His lotus feet,
Sai Devotee Moumita
#MP-Experience 1876
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Little drops of water make the mighty ocean likewise small small things lead to big things and so if we start finding joy in small things it would definitely make us happier each day. Baba loves and cares equally for all His devotees small or big. Keep doing parayan with all your heart, don’t get your chapters volunteered, volunteer for Baba’s seva and don’t miss out on the opportunity to come closer to Baba. 108 number has its own significance(can google to know more), so if you miss out any parayan then you do not complete the 108 parayans in that season. Baba knows every little bit of us , He knows about us even what we do not know so surrender and He will never lead you wrong. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
Very usefull information about God, Univers and Shri Saibaba is available.👍🙏