Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I would request you to share my Mahaparayan experience. I would like to be anonymous.
Om Sai Ram everyone. I am thankful to Sai Baba for giving me the opportunity to be part of this great Mahaparayan group and I am very thankful to the whole Mahaparayan team for managing such a big group on a Global basis.
This is the second time I am sharing my experience.
I have seen many miracles in my life big and small from the time I started believing in Sai Baba. We just need to have faith and patience, as Baba says “Shraddha and Saburi.”
Coming to my present experience. I would like to say a big thank you to Sai Baba. We have been planning for our baby for the last five years. We had visited many doctors and done different treatments but all in vain. I joined Mahaparayan in the mid of 2019 and from that day I used to pray to Baba to bless us with a baby. My husband also joined Mahaparayan a few weeks back and today Baba listened to our prayers and I got my pregnancy confirmed.
Baba, please bless my baby with good health.
Thank You Deva. Thank You for blessing us for each and everything in our life. Love You Sai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1879
Sai Baba’s Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Says:
Please keep my name and email anonymous.
Om Sai Ram. I have been a Baba;s devotee for more than 12 years and part of the Global Mahaparayan for 2 years. Thank you Pooja ji for giving me the chance to be a part of this holy platform. Baba is everything for me and whatever I prayed to Him, He always granted it like a father. I would like to share one recent experience here.
My husband’s work permit was about to expire on 30th September. Because of some delay in paperwork we couldn’t apply for an extension on time. We applied for an extension in the 2nd week of July. The minimum extension time takes 3 months in normal condition and because of COVID it is taking around 4 – 5 months or more also in some cases. We were worried as losing a job in this COVID pandemic is itself a big headache and pain. I was checking the status daily and it was showing for a long time “My case was received.”
I prayed to Baba to do some miracle and started doing Nav Guruwar Vrat from 3rd of September. Baba listened to my prayer and after doing 3 Vrats the status changed to “New card is being produced.” After 4 days, the status changed to “new card is mailed to the address” and next day on Thursday 24th Sep, we got our new extension card in hand.
That’s the power of my Baba. Is this not a miracle? Baba can change impossible to possible in a matter of seconds. As I had promised Baba, I am sharing my experience on this platform. Baba, You fulfilled all my wishes. I don’t remember anything being asked to You from my side and not blessed from Your side. Baba, please fulfil my last wish. I will not ask You anything after that. Please make him a cool person, subside his anger and ego. Give him his lost confidence. Make him Your son. I want You to make him Your ardent devotee. Please increase his faith in You Baba. Please reduce his past karma so that he starts believing in You completely. I want him to sing Your glory with me.
He is the person who first took me to Shirdi for Your Darshan. Please Baba, bless him. He needs Your blessings, Baba. He is going through a tough time, Baba. I am giving Your Udi to him, Baba. Bless him with a long life, Baba. I have full faith in You and I know one day You will do that, Baba. I am waiting for that day Baba. Please Baba shower Your blessings on him, my family and everyone who believes in You. Love You Deva.️Om Sai Ram.️
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1880
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Drinking Udi water which is energized with Baba’s name for a few minutes can help a person to calm down or overcome health issues. As would be our faith, so would be Baba’s response. Baba will never overlook a heartfelt prayer. Baba can calm down even the big storms then of what accord is our ego in front of Sai? Believe and the work would be done. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om saiRam
Om Sai Ram
I am Sai devotee. I wanted to be Sai devotee in every field. Sai i love you.