Saimata United My Friend’s Baby With Her Parents

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Divya From India Says:
I am an ardent devotee of Saimata from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-7614N1. I would like to share my experience which happened a few weeks back.
This is a heartfelt incident of an eight-month-old baby girl who was saved from being separated from her parents. A few weeks back, a friend of mine told me that he was going through the worst stages in his family life as he was on the verge of getting divorced but he loved his 8 months old baby girl a lot and was missing her so badly that he even felt his baby’s presence, sleeping on his chest daily at night and without knowledge. He would start singing a lullaby for her because this was his routine chore when his baby was with him. He was in tears whenever he spoke about his baby.
My friend is an Interior designer by profession in a reputed company and is a talented singer too who always tried to bring happiness to his family through his songs. He is a good chef who is always experimenting with new flavors and a loving husband and an adorable dad too. But his wife was so immature by nature that she found happiness in putting up petty fights very often which made matters even worse and opted for a divorce for silly reasons even though their marriage was a love marriage. Besides they were gifted with a beautiful baby girl who was fortunate enough to get the love and warmth of her dad only as he was the only one who attended to the basic needs of his baby.
Both their in-laws were also planning to get them prepared for second marriage after their divorce. So the couple were staying separated as the divorce case demanded them to stay apart. On being separated, my friend was completely depressed and broken and he even quit his job too and wasted his life on smoking and drinking. Since both his family and his job were gone, he told me that he lost all his hopes in himself and God. Because he believed that if there was God, why had he been put to suffer so much in life?
One day when my friend showed me his family photograph, I really felt that this family might have been separated by some evil eye because the three of them looked so gorgeous and very much made for each other!
I never gave a second thought as I was only worried thinking about the baby’s future if her mother went for a second marriage!
I felt so suffocating inside me that I decided to read Sai Satcharitra (as 7 days Saptah) as it was the only means of instant communication with Saimata, because I had firm faith that only Baba could save the baby. I showed the baby’s photo to Saimata and begged her with tears to save the baby from being separated from her parents.
To my surprise, even before I finished my Saptah, on the sixth day, I got a call from my friend. He told me that even though his advocate restricted him from calling his wife, some power in his mind was forcing him to call her and they talked for more than an hour and decided on a reunion. On hearing this, I could really feel Baba’s presence near me. I too went into tears when he told me that they were planning to get a new house in their hometown very soon. Now my friend seems to be like a fish out of water because everything seems to be happening instantly like a dream come true on one side and on the other side he is jobless! So he started his struggle to get himself a new job. I hope and pray that Baba blesses him with a new job with good payment very soon.
I also promised to do Mahabhishek in the nearby Sai temple after the withdrawal of the case from the court as early as possible and I also asked Baba to bless the baby and her family on the baby’s very first birthday. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Divya
#MP-Experience 1881
Sai Baba Blessed My Son

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Rahana From India Says:
I experienced many miracles in my life with only Baba’s blessings. My son recovered from an eye problem and Baba saves him many times from many accidents.
May Baba shower His grace on everyone and we are connected to Baba because of Mahaparayan. May my Sai do good to all. Seeking blessings from Sai Baba. Sai, always show us the right path. Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Rahana
#MP-Experience 1882
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Thank you Divyaji for sharing the beautiful Sai leela showing that selfless prayers can make wonders, turn the impossible to possible. I too had goosebumps multiple times seeing Baba’s love and mercy for His devotees. People like you prove that in Kaliyuga goodness still persists and definitely Baba must be so happy and proud of you being His child. Let us divorce our increasing ego and one bad quality each day and reunite with goodness and one good act each day. Baba will be happy and love and bless us more. It is indeed the true way of living and making our life meaningful and worthy. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Saiappaa..bless me to start writing my experiences ..your leelas in my my husband saiappa…
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful blessings of sai baba .and i am more happy to hear and know about such a friend doing parayan for his friend n his family .i had joyful tears to to know about the heart of my sai devotee .blessed is your friend n his family to have a friend like you …
Om sai ram 🙏🌹🙇♀️