Cannot Thank You Enough Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From USA Says:
I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-609N1 since 2018. When we moved to the USA, I had to leave my well respected job in India and follow my husband to the USA. I felt very bad that my qualifications were not recognized here in the USA and I had to start building my career all over again. I felt dejected but somewhere in the corner of my heart I knew that Baba must have a better plan for me that’s why He got me here. I felt peace by being a part of the Global Mahaparayan and reading Sai Satcharitra every week.
For the first 2 years I worked somewhere in a small job. Once Covid started my company insisted that we had to work from the office and my husband and I decided that it was not safe. So I hardened my heart once again and I quit my small job too in August. Then I thought of doing some courses and taking certifications and taking my career in a different direction. In the last 4 months I did 3 certifications including PMP certification. For PMP, I prepared only for 3 weeks and I was able to pass the test. This was the first proof that Baba was taking care of me. If not for His help, I would not have been able to pass PMP with just 3 weeks of preparation. Then came the next miracle. The same day that I passed the PMP, I applied for a job. The next day I got an interview call and in 1 week’s time, I got selected for the job. It was all like a dream. This was proof that Baba was taking care of me.
I am so grateful to Baba to have taken the responsibility of my life into His hands. I need not worry about anything anymore. Even if something doesn’t work the way I expect it, it’s because Baba knows better about what is good for me. Baba will always make sure that I get the things in life that are good for me and my family.
Sairam, please be with us like this my whole life and guide us towards the right direction always. We are nothing without You, Baba.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1955
Sai Baba Saved My Eyes

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
First of all I am grateful to Sai Baba that He created a platform called Global Mahaparayan only to help all His devotees. I also would like to appreciate the efforts of all the leaders, captains, Principals and Vice Principals of all the University groups who are constantly managing the group members to complete the allotted chapters within the stipulated time and completing their task allotted to them by Baba.
I am very happy that Baba has chosen me to join the Global Mahaparayan group through my Husband in Jan 2020. Within a few weeks of my reading the chapters, a lot of good things and positivity started happening in my life and I feel completely secured that I am in the shelter of Baba. I have come across many instances, where I felt Baba’s presence and would like to share one such experience.
I have a very high power in my eyes because of which I am wearing contact lenses. Every year, I visit the eye specialist and change my lens. I always have fear that the lens should suit my eyes as I have very high power. In case if I need to wear spectacles then it would be very thick glasses. I am a working woman, so I always prayed to God to help me wear the lens.
In September 2019, I went for my regular eye checkup with another doctor who is our family friend. He found that there was a small hole in my retina and he suggested that I consult the retina specialist within 6 months. Somehow I could not visit the retina specialist within the stipulated time and subsequently the lockdown also started which I completely left without consulting.
Again this year September 2020, during my regular yearly checkup, I was very much worried about the hole in my retina and what the doctor was going to indicate to me. I was tense throughout the check up and I was continuously praying to Sai Baba and chanting Sai Ram and prayed to Him that the Doctor should not say anything negative as there were chances for the hole to become bigger. I promised Baba that if there was no problem in my eyes then I would post this experience. After the test, the Doctor told me that the hole in the retina still persisted but was very minute. He also added that surprisingly it did not increase even after a year. There was no need to worry and it was not to be attended to on an emergency basis. The doctor also suggested that I have a checkup after 4 months. If the hole was increased, then he may suggest treatment. I was so happy and thanked Baba that even after one year of identifying the hole in the retina, the size of the hole had not increased and also the doctor has said that there was nothing to worry about at present.
It was Baba Who helped me in maintaining the size of the hole by not increasing it for the last one year. Suddenly last week, I had an infection in the same eye and was treated by an eye doctor. This way, Baba reminded me to post my experience as promised. I am sorry Baba for my late post. I pray to Baba to save my eyesight from the hole in the retina. I have complete faith in Him. Thank You Baba. Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Bhuvana
#MP-Experience 1956
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai is the Doctor of doctors, the Master Planner of all. His eyes are ever on us. Let not there be any hole in our faith and patience. If we can wash His feet with tears of love and faith then miracles would not be far off from our vision. We are really blessed to have Sai as our Guru, Friend, Father and merciful mother too. How can we ever repay Your debt Baba? Will always be indebted to You. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram OmSai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om SAI Ram… Baba thank you for taking care of my eye problem and also resolving the fever of my son. Please continue to hold our hands. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏🙏🙏