Sai Baba Took Care Of My Mother’s Cough

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sharmila From USA Says: Om Sri Sai Ram! I’m a Baba devotee from the USA. This is the third time posting my experience.
My mother has been coughing on and off for almost a year now. A few weeks ago, cough was so severe that she was not able to sleep at night and she became very low and dull. I never saw my mom being so dull and weak while speaking to me. I and my other siblings didn’t understand what to do, we didn’t want to take her to the hospital either during this COVID time. Mom was not comfortable either visiting the hospitals as she was scared that she might test positive for covid and they might keep her in quarantine. We suspected it to be TB since she had been coughing for almost a year now.
I prayed to Baba to cure her cough and it should not be something serious like TB or COVID. I promised Baba that I will post my experience as soon as possible but I’m sorry Baba I delayed it. By Baba’s blessings, the doctor confirmed after the scans/tests that there is no TB and no covid and gave medicine. The very next day she started feeling better by Baba’s grace.
Thank You so much, Baba! As always, please take care of my mom’s health. I can’t even imagine anything serious happening to my mom. I have complete faith in You Baba that You will always protect us and keep us healthy.
Koti Koti pranamam to Your lotus feet Baba.
Thank You!
Sai Devotee Sharmila
#MP-Experience 1959
Sai Baba Cured My Husband’s Knee Pain

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sharmila From USA Says: Om Sri Sai Ram! I’m a Baba’s devotee from the USA. This is my 4th time posting my experience.
Recently we moved to our own house with Baba’s grace. After a month or so, one morning I saw my husband looking for an Orthopaedic doctor near our home. He never ever complained about any of his pains or aches even if he had any, he used to just take a rest and feel alright. He didn’t get injured nor did he fall down so we didn’t understand why he was having the right knee pain. He was scared that he couldn’t walk if left untreated. He asked his colleagues and friends to suggest a good orthopedic and this went on for a couple of days. Seeing him in that condition I was very scared and I prayed to Baba to cure his pain and asked Baba if He could cure his knee pain without visiting a doctor. Then again I felt that I was asking a little too much. I promised Baba that I will post my experience if his knee pain cures and continued looking for an appointment with my husband.
Surprisingly, the very next day I asked him if he was successful in scheduling an appointment with any of the orthopedic doctors, and he replied that a doctor visit was not necessary as his knee pain had almost gone. I thought he was joking, but he told me that he was serious about it. He said he felt 9/10 pain yesterday and today it is 0.5/10. I’m very thankful to Baba for His kind act and I’m pretty sure that Baba will cure that 0.5 pain too.
Thank You so much Baba for taking care of his knee pain. I love You so much Baba for taking care of my family. Please always shower Your blessings like this.
I don’t have words and I can’t express how thankful I am to be a Baba’s blessed devotee.
Sachithananda Samartha Sathguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai!
Sai Devotee Sharmila
#MP-Experience 1958
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With Sai nothing is Impossible. He can make bitter Neem leaves sweet along with healing and nectar-like properties. He turns our impurities into purities, our incapabilities into capabilities, hurdles into opportunities, curses into blessings and impossible into possible. So He can definitely heal and cure the deepest wounds and most severe pains. Those who ever remember Baba, worship Him wholeheartedly and chant His name are blessed and need not worry about anything as Sai our Universal Father will take all the care. Go down and bend on your knees in faith, don’t doubt and then He will really turn negatives into positives, nights into days and tears into tears of joy. Just Believe! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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