Sai Baba Showed Lost Gold Chain To Me

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sri Laxmi From India Says: Hi Team,
Thank you for providing this platform to share our experiences.
Before my wedding, the groom’s people gave me a gold chain. We all looked at it and gave it to my mother. She took it and kept it in a suitcase.
After 2-3 days of wedding, my mother suddenly asked about the gold chain. She forgot that she had it. She blamed me and my cousin and scolded us. I prayed to Baba to show the gold chain as it was given by the groom’s side and we had to answer them if they asked where it was. I left everything to Baba. I prayed to Baba, “Baba, please put the lost gold chain somewhere in the suitcase or somewhere visible to us. I will write about the experience on the blog. Please save our reputation, Baba.”
Later when we searched in the suitcase, the gold chain was in one small earring box. We all were relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank You Baba for showing me this gold chain. Thank You so much for keeping our reputation.
Sorry for posting this experience late. Please forgive me. Thank You Sai. Om Sairam Sri Sairam Jai Sairam.
Sai Devotee Sri Laxmi
#MP-Experience 1977
Sai Gave Me Inner Peace & Confidence

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Nidhin Daas From India Says:
Sai Ram,
First I seek Sai Bhagavan’s permission to narrate my lovely life experiences and how I and my family have been influenced by Sai’s miracles and leelas.
At the beginning were not believers or followers of Sri Sai. I thought He was like a saint but we prayed and attended all Thursday aarathi in the mandir. One evening we received a book that illustrates Baba’s leelas and how He protects His devotees. From that book I read about Thursday Vrat and decided to start. As soon as the Vrat started we felt the differences and saw our wishes being fulfilled. This turned us to become a devotee and follower of Sri Sai.
After this I started reading Sai Satcharitra. It gives me inner peace and strength and literally, I feel the presence of Sri Sai Baba in our life. I have a good job and my family is very happy with the blessing of Baba. At the end of the first quarter of 2020 due to some issues I lost my job and we struggled through a very difficult time both financially and mentally. I can say I lost everything and had no hope to live and give back a good life to my children and wife. We prayed continuously and held Sai unlike before and started to read Sai Satcharitra because one morning I had everything and in the evening I had lost what I had.
I know that Sai will not leave us empty handed. I cried in front of Baba and sought His help to restore my earlier life . I knew that He cannot keep silent on my request since I gave up all my valuables for my parents and brother and they failed to hold me in my toughest times. By praying Sai and reading Satcharitra I gained inner strength, peace and confidence. By doing this Sai showered His blessing and He held me. He gave me what I asked for! My Sai – He is my Saviour. He gives us so many miracles and turns our life from grey to vibrant colored.
My relationship with Sai has been tumultuous at its best. Yet, I cannot imagine not having that relationship to turn to.
Sai has a way of keeping me humble when I get too smug. There have been times in my life that the pain I felt was such that in my heart I knew that Sai carried me through, because I did not have the strength to get through the pain alone.
Sai I’m indebted to Your love towards me and my family.
Sai Devotee Nidhin Daas
#MP-Experience 1978
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Guru is like a cushion, a pillow to comfort our life at its best and make us reach our goal. Once whoever seeks this cushion can only be rest assured to rest in peace and feel the bliss even while sleeping. He will make all our dreams come true. Just love, surrender, faith and patience is the Guru Dakshina that all He longs for. May the light of Guru’s knowledge dispel all the darkness of our ignorance very soon. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
Baba I am holding you tight through this struggle. I know you have given me a lot but I am human being who dreams and desire for better future for me and my family. Thank you Sai MA. Without you I am nothing. Please accept my prayers and requests.
Om Sai Ram ❤️🙏