Sai Baba Blessed Me With A Government Medical Seat For PG

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shunmathy From India Says:
Om Sai Ram
I’m Shunmathy S M, from Madurai, Tamilnadu. I’m part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-8852 N-1 Banu Sai.
Sai Baba has blessed me abundantly ever since I joined the Global Mahaparayan. I’m a homoeopathic doctor. I practise in my place, Madurai itself.
Before joining the group, I used to be careless, irregular and lazy. I had dreams of joining higher studies, but something kept me from studying. I was so unhappy and aimless. But ever since I joined the Global Mahaparayan group, I felt a change within myself. I got motivated. I became regular, took interest in my life, searched for all my PG courses and started studying seriously. I felt that Baba was guiding me to my dream.
I prayed to Baba and applied to two of the PG courses. One is MD Homoeopathy and the other is MPH in JIPMER. I was aiming for government colleges only, because we couldn’t afford paying huge fees in private colleges.
Sometimes, I got tired and stressed out due to studying and also the exam was being postponed a lot of times due to Covid situation. There were times when I cried a lot because I almost lost a year in my career and I was a lot behind than others of my age. But in all those times, it was only Sai Baba Who was with me, encouraging and motivating.
Every night, after studying, I would close the book and pray to Baba that He should guide me to pass the exam and then I would go to sleep.
The exams came. Unfortunately, both the exams which I had applied for came in the same month with just one week gap. I got afraid and prayed to Baba that He should only help to prepare me for this in a much shorter time interval. With His blessings, I wrote both the exams very well and was waiting for the results.
Results of MPH JIPMER came and I got 14th Rank in All India level. My joy knew no bounds. I immediately went to the pooja room and thanked Baba for His blessings. I was satisfied that even if I didn’t get selected in the other exam, I might get into JIPMER. In another few days, MD Homoeopathy results also came, but I got only 543 rank. For this rank, I won’t get a Government seat and I can’t afford to study in a private college.
So, I decided that Baba wants me to study for MPH only. I was hopeful that I would get a seat there. But in the first counselling, to my shock, I didn’t get a seat in JIPMER. I got so sad and cried the whole day. I couldn’t imagine taking one more year and studying again.
I went to Baba in my pooja room and asked with tears in my eyes “Why Baba, why are You making this so tough? I can’t waste my years anymore. I want to study and go to work, so I can earn and help my family. Please help me, Baba.”
The next day was a Thursday. I read the chapters allotted to me. But during noon, in my Mahaparayan yellow house group, Roll no 42 had messaged that they couldn’t read today and asked for help. I was out and couldn’t reply and thought someone else would help. But even after I returned home, no one had replied. So, I thought I could help now and said that I would read their chapters.
And then when I was reading chapter 29, I had goosebumps and I started crying while reading that. It was about a student who wrote his medical exam and how he passed it with Baba’s blessings.
My love for Baba grew so much. It was like Baba was trying to convey this message to me. He wanted me to read this chapter today even though it was not mine. I remembered at that time that Baba will always be with me and had hoped that somehow I would be called again for next counselling.
One week passed after that, I still got no notifications regarding the admission. I was upset again and one day, I just broke down in front of Baba, and prayed to Him. Immediately to my surprise, I heard a vehicle which was carrying Sai Baba playing Sai Baba songs and was collecting donations. I went out and was so delighted how Baba loves me so much. He always answers my prayers. I was dumbstruck how He blessed me with His presence.
That evening, I got notification that I got selected for the course and was asked to join.
My faith in Baba increased day by day. Had He not been with me, I wouldn’t have had the strength to pass the examination.
One thing I want to tell all the devotees is that when we pray to Baba with faith and patience, He will surely give us what we want. There may be tests in between, but those are all His leelas. In the end, He will give us everything and keep on blessing us.
Om Sai Ram.
I have attached images of whatsApp group request and the chapter which Baba wanted me to read.
Thanks Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Shunmathy
#MP-Experience 1981
Experience Of Sai Within 2 Months Of Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Keshan Cheranda From India Says:
Dear readers,
I would like to share a couple of experiences of our loving Sai within two & half months of starting the Global Mahaparayan. Me and my family have had innumerable experiences for the last 30 years, but this experience during the Mahaparayan will be memorable.
I started the Mahaparayan from August 27, 2020. On September 14, my daughter went into labour to deliver her first child. After hours of painful enduring, she was drained of all energy and couldn’t push anymore, we along with her prayed to Baba and the Doctor just said that it was happening on its own. The baby was being pushed out and a beautiful baby boy was born with dear Sai’s blessings.
Two and half months later, I was still continuing to be part of the Global Mahaparayan, when we witnessed another miracle. My daughter tripped and the two and half month old baby slipped out of her hand and was dropped to the ground (tiled floor). She screamed and we all rushed to the baby. We saw the baby was calm, not even crying.
It was clear, our Dear Sai had held the baby when it dropped, no scratch, no pain and Babaji ensured the baby’s safety. He was smiling and playing as usual. We all just rushed to Babaji’s feet and thanked Him profusely.
Sai, You are everything, You are our life and soul, the only reason we are alive and breathing and You will be forever in our mind, our heart and on our lips till our end. Om Sairam.
Sai Devotee Keshan Cheranda
#MP-Experience 1982
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Life is an exam and Baba is our Guru. If we walk holding His hand with faith then no matter how dark its is or how many pits and ditches are there He will not let us fall. If we study hard and as per His instructions then this teacher would certainly be pleased and we will pass this life's exam with flying colours. So let us also strive to do our best and top in these exams too. Just have faith that with Baba as our Guru we can qualify the toughest exam in our life in any field (aspect). Keep believing and Keep serving Him and our life will become fruitful. This too would be our greatest achievement. Baba will surely bless us beyond our imagination! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻