Sai May Delay But Not Deny

I would like to share my experience. Below is my experience. Let me know what I should do next.
I am very thankful to be a part of the Global Mahaparayan group. I am from MP-7861N1-Priyam Sai Global Mahaparayan Group.
I was introduced to the Global Mahaparayan group when I saw friends commenting on the Facebook Global Mahaparayan page and it appeared in my News feed. Whenever I saw the messages from Baba, I felt that Baba wanted me to read the messages and thinking about it made me happy. One day I clicked on the What’s App chat link and joined the group.
At that time I was going through family issues and always felt low. At the same time I did not have a job for the past two years. Whenever I saw Baba’s message on FB, I felt happy and I felt that Baba wanted me to have a smile on my face. I always saw messages like “Have Patience”, “Have faith and Trust in Sai”, “Why Fear When I am here?”
After joining the Global Mahaparayan group I got a job in Jan 2020 and I joined the job right before the Pandemic. I was not happy with the job, but at the same time I was happy that with Baba’s Krupa(grace) at least I had a job during the pandemic.
In August 2020, I lost my job. I was sad, but I thought that there must be some reason for losing my job and left everything in Sai Baba’s hands and started applying for the jobs. I received calls from three different companies. One was not successful, but I had hope from two other companies. I strongly believed that Baba will put me in any one of these companies and stopped applying for the jobs. The interviews went well. I prayed to Baba that by Baba’s Samadhi day (the real Samadhi day on Oct 15th I should get the confirmation but they kept on scheduling the interviews with different teams. Then I thought the Samadhi day for 2020 falls on Oct 25th, so at least I should get the confirmation before that.
On Friday Oct 23rd, I received a call from the HR saying that they wanted to offer me a job with more than I expected. Yes, that was before the Samadhi day. I remembered the saying “Bhagavan ki Ghar Mein Dher Hai Andher Nahin. (Lord might delay the things but would not let the darkness prevail).” I prayed that if I would get the job then I would post the leela. By Sai’s grace I started the job today and drafted the leela.
After I joined the MP group I have experienced many leelas. Whenever I felt that I should see a message from Baba, He always appeared before me in the News Feed or in some other way and showed me the path.
I pray to Baba that I should overcome my family issues very soon and be happy with the family members. I have completed one season of Mahaparayan and started the second season. I hope Sai will give me peace and happiness in this season. Baba if I have done something wrong, please forgive me and take my Karmas away. Please Baba guide us on to the right path and always be with me and family members. Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee JL
#MP-Experience 1983
Sai Blessed Us With Our Dream House

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shika Kapoor From USA Says:
Om Sai Ram my name is Shika and I live in New York. I have been a devotee of Sai for a very long time and Sai has always been there for me. I have many experiences but one that happened after I started the Global Mahaparayan is what I want to share.
I started the Global Mahaparayan somewhere in March 2020 when Covid-19 was extreme and the whole world was under lockdown. We have been living in a joint family since I got married for almost 14 years and we (me and my husband) gave up on the dream that we will have a house of our own.
I never asked Sai for a house because I believed whatever He had given me was more than enough but when I started the Global Mahaparayan, conversations about us having our own house started and within 4 months all happened. Now I have a beautiful house with my beautiful mandir(temple). I want to mention one more thing that every little thing or big thing that was related to our house happened on Thursday.
Our offer was accepted by the previous owner on a Thursday and then till its closing all things happened on Thursday. Om Sai Ram
Sai Devotee Shika Kapoor
#MP-Experience 1984
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
To give job or house is just not the job of Baba's Mahaparayan. To work out the best for His children taking into consideration their Karmic accounts and take them towards self realization, is the job of our most merciful and loving Baba. Believe me, I think His job is the toughest! So let’s be humble to this old man and love Him and serve Him unconditionally at our best with the smallest possible gestures and never blame Him. Always believe that this Universal Mother (Saimaa) will always do the best possible for Her children. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om sai ram… baba please save ad protet myhusband and children. Hubby is having fever anf i leave it to your holy feet to help him recover today. Baba u know eberything i surrender to u. Om sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 om sai arogyakshemadaya namah 🙏 baba pls help us 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙆♀️
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Dear Baba ,my daughter has developed some mental problem.she ia an asset to our family.Avery intelegent,hardworking& extrmely,extremely patience.
Baba,please cure her & help her to do her duty towards her family& society. Baba,i have full confidence& faith in you baba.Please help her recover soon. Thankvyou baba