Trust In Me And Your Prayer Will Be Answered

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
“Trust in me and your prayer shall be answered.” – Sai Baba
First and foremost I would like to offer my prayers at Shirdi Sai Baba’s feet for fulfilling my wish and hence giving me an opportunity to share my experience with you all. I would also like to thank Pooja Garg mam for granting me the permission to write here. Thank You and Sairam to all my Sai friends. I wish to remain anonymous.
I had this small boil on my nose which many thought was a nose ring and started complimenting when they saw my pics on social media. I had to tell them that it was a boil and not a nose ring. After the boil became big and it didn’t heal, I consulted the doctor and I was advised that it had to be surgically removed. I was recommended a couple of surgeries related to the same. It started bothering me a lot and I started reading one chapter of Sai Satcharitra everyday.
One day before the first surgery, I prayed to Baba for an answer to my worries. I read my chapter, closed the book, took Baba’s name, opened the book again to get the answer and guess the page that I got. It was about the story where the man’s jewellery box gets stolen, he cries before the picture of Baba and it is very clearly mentioned that the box even had the nose ring of his wife. Baba heard his prayer and the next day the thief himself came and returned the jewellery box and also the nose ring.
In my case, the cartilage where you wear the nose ring was taken out surgically and after some days fixed back by plastic surgery. I too got my nose ring back. Such are His leelas and His boundless love for us. The joy of reading Sai Satcharitra is endless, so is His grace. The mere touch of this spiritual diamond makes you so empowered. May we all bask in His love and light all our lives.
Peace for all. Om Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1985
Sai Baba – Father Of Dhanvantri Rescued Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sripriya From India Says:
After coming across Sai Satcharitra I also wanted to do parayan. Then when I visited Sai Baba temple. I got a Sai Satcharitra book but it was not actually an original copy. I kept reading it, eventually I wanted to complete it within one week and I did it. But I always wanted to read the original copy. One day luckily I came across the Global Mahaparayan through Instagram. Then I immediately registered for it. Then I kept reading as per schedule and also read a few Mahaparayan experiences posted in the group.
Then our entire family got attacked by covid due to which my grandfather left his body. My grandmother’s condition is severe, her Corad score is 20. I felt disheartened. We didn’t want to lose both at the same time.
I kept doing parayan and prayed to Baba to please help us. Then Baba came to rescue us. Baba -Father Of Dhanvantari, what is not possible for Baba? There is nothing as such! Baba Who can do anything, saved her life and protected us from many issues. At that time I decided if a miracle happens then I too will post my experience for the Global Mahaparayan blog and the day came. My prostrations at the lotus feet of Baba.
Sai Devotee Sripriya
#MP-Experience 1986
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Just as the sponge absorbs everything that is poured on it to its maximum capacity likewise Baba too tries to absorb the sufferings and pain of His devotees to the maximum possible limit owing to their karmic account of good and bad deeds. We all need to be thankful with immense gratitude for Baba’s presence in our lives. As per Satcharitra there is no difference between Sant and Anant and hence no difference between our Sai and Shri Ram too. Let us keep chanting Om Sairam and all the differences in our lives too shall disappear. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
1st and foremost I would like to offer my prayers at Shirdi Sai Baba’s feet for fulfilling my wish and hence giving me an opportunity to share my experience with you all. I would also like to thank Pooja Garg mam for granting me the permission to write here. Thank You and Sairam to all my Sai friends. I wish to remain anonymous.
I got married in 2012 imarriage
Baba had made it possible because he knows how difficult was it for that time
Post marriage I was tourched by my in laws but some how I could get over it.
In 2016 my husband got promoted and transferred to not desirable place I was crying and not even willing to go there as it was completely new place for me and far away from my home 1700 km .
I used to pray to Baba every single day but things were not happening as per my wish. I was going in emmence depression and anxiety and also thinking to kill my self in any way.
I did many vratam many pooja rituals everything but nothing was happening I was hope less but still I didn’t leaves my saburi.Again my in laws started living with us again the same torcher was happening no one was there to protect me only Baba was there it was 6 and a half year cleansing process was carried on as Baba says but every day I was dying. One Miracle in 2018 my one of old friend called me that Swati here’s is a way of all your problems let’s start Mahaprayan. she asked me to add in Thursday parayana and miracle was stated happening. Though it was very difficult time because that was peak moment of my Baba karma cleaning.
Every Thursday I was praying to Baba things should get better please give me peace of Mind.
Things was started changing as my in law’s shifted to their home place and by Baba’s blessings I shifted to another new house at same place which was only Baba’s blessings. after just 5 months I got my husband’s transfer to my desired place as well as Baba blessed my with new Job new home ..
I am happy to announce that after 6&half an years I got everything from Baba a lot of Gratitude to Him I will be grateful to Baba for giving such wonderful things my life after so many struggle..
I request to all devotees that Shraddha and Saburi pays 200% because I never ever thought that my wish will be Fullfiled I am so happy Baba u cured us from Covid u save us from Danger also U save my Father from danger.
Baba please always bless us with your blessings and Ashirwad I love u Deva .
Thank you so much For choosing me as your child.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai