Sai Baba Blessed Me With MahaParayan For My Success

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Chaitanya From India Says:
Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am Chaitanya from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-10687N1. I joined this Global Mahaparayan on June 02, 2020.
Experience 01:
Since then I have received His blessings in the form of doing Satcharitra parayan every Thursday without failure. It has been almost 7 months that I have been doing this. I am amazed and really blessed that Baba wants me to do Mahaparayan for my success without a break and I am still doing.
In covid situation, everyone knows survival becomes very hard no matter in which position you are. One or the other way everyone gets affected. It also happened to me and my family. We had a very tough time related to my father- in- law’s health and my job. In that situation I joined the Global Mahaparayan group knowing from my bestie.
I was doing parayan and decided to change my job in this tough time with Baba’s permission. By His grace, I got a green signal but I was most awaited and got discouraged with many failures in the interview. With a lost heart, but last hope I prayed to Sai on Thursday to bless me with a good job as it was my final round and finally I got placed in a good company.
Baba, with this platform I appeal to everyone to keep faith and be thankful to Sadhguru first for what we have.
“GRATITUDE costs nothing and it is the only birth for growth and SUCCESS”.
Om Sai Ram!
Love You Sai.
Bless us all with Your love and faith.
Thanks to the Global Mahaparayan team for this opportunity.
Sai Devotee Chaitanya
#MP-Experience 2023
Sai Baba’s Love And Mercy For His Devotees

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Says:
Dear All,
Greetings to all.
I am an anonymous Sai devotee.
I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan group for the past six months. Baba has been part of my life for the past 10 years and He is everything in my life. I want to share how Baba cleared all my problems in my life and how He helped me to get through all my disease, fear and negative thoughts.
Now I am living a very happy life with my husband and son because of Baba’s blessings. Here I want to share three miracles which happened in my life.
Miracle 1 :
I am an Indian currently living abroad. I had a brain infection and have been taking treatment for that in India for 6 years. As I am abroad I used to go to India once in 3-6 months to consult with a doctor and bring tablets. Because of Covid situations I ran out of tablets and I was unable to go to India also. So I decided to contact the doctor through the phone. I was unable to contact him. So I prayed to Sai to help me. The very next day the doctor attended my call and he clarified about the tablets. I was very happy and thanked Baba for His help.
Miracle 2 :
Next problem is I couldn’t get the doctor prescribed tablets in the place where I am living. My family living in India tried in several ways to send the tablets but they were unable to send due to Covid restrictions. Again I prayed to my Baba to help me in this situation. The next day when I was looking at my facebook account I went through a page where I saw an ad in which one person mentioned that he could send the medicines abroad. I showed that to my husband. We contacted him and with Baba’s help I got the medicine before the expected date.
Miracle 3:
I wanted to buy a Sai Satcharitra book and I wanted to keep it in Baba’s feet at Baba’s temple before reading. So we went to a Baba’s temple near our place. As the time we went was very late we were unable to buy the book before the darshan. So when I was taking darshan I prayed to Baba to please help me in reading as I was unable to keep at Hisfeet as I had wished to do so. Then after that we went to the book shop and bought It. When I was about to leave, the shopkeeper told me that there is a Baba idol inside his shop in one room. He asked me to please keep it under Baba’s feet and then take the book. I was stunned. Then I went inside the shop and I saw Baba’s idol. I literally felt like crying. I placed the book under Baba’s feet and I brought it to my house. Now I am reading for the Global Mahaparayan with that book only.
Let Baba do miracles in all our life. Thanks for this opportunity to share. May Baba resolve all our problems and bless us with a good life.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2024
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When we stand strong with faith in Baba then no matter what Baba will never make us fall. He will be there to hold us and make us walk successfully in every walk of life. Let us count our blessings, be thankful and fill our hearts with gratitude and love for Baba. When gratitude fills our heart, Lord’s grace also starts flowing. Gratitude will not cost us anything but would definitely earn lot many things like His infinite love, grace and blessings. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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