Experience With Sai Baba After Joining The Mahparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Dear Global Parayan Admin team and respected teachers,
My humble pranaam to my Baba and people behind this noble act of Mahaparayan. I would like to share my experience and remain anonymous. Please let me know if you need me to share my group details with you in a separate email.
Baba, please help me narrate my experience.
In the first week of December, I experienced a gynaecological complication. I am 54 years old and in post menopausal stage. I went to see my OB/Gyn specialist to discuss the issue. My doctor wanted to conduct a few tests to diagnose my problem. She ordered a pelvic ultrasound first. The results revealed that I have a widened endometrium and a complex cyst with a thick septation in my right ovary. The results also showed a modular component which was suspected to be malign. I was asked to go for a surgical opinion. Upon hearing this, I was devastated and my physician was also concerned. She did a biopsy of the endometrium lining and asked me to go for an MRI test to have a clear understanding of my condition before recommending me to an oncologist.
I kept praying to Sai and asked Him to cure my condition. I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan for more than six months now. I vowed to Sai that I will share my experience with the parayan group if Sai cured my problems. A week later, my biopsy results came back negative and gave me relief. I still had to get the MRI done to study the cyst in the ovary. Due to the holiday season, I could get an appointment for the MRI only on Dec 30th. I had full faith in Baba and kept praying to Him to shrink the cyst on its own. Before starting the parayan, I took a pinch of Udi in the water and begged Baba to dissolve the cyst on its own. I was very nervous until the MRI test was conducted. I returned home after the test and kept chanting Sai Sai throughout the day.
On Dec 31st, a few hours before the New Year, around 8 PM, my Ob/Gyn called me to discuss the results of the MRI. My heart was pounding when I picked up the phone. I kept chanting Sai’s name in my mind before answering the call. My physician went over the results and told me that the cyst appeared simple in the MRI and there was no need to worry anymore; no surgery was needed anymore. She was very happy to reveal this to me. It was a miracle due to Baba’s grace! The complex cyst became simple on its own! I could not believe that my prayers were answered. This news came to me in the late evening, a few hours before the New year as a gift from Baba before starting the New year. I was in tears when I heard this from my physician.
I decided to share this experience to show everyone how merciful Baba is. I would like to reiterate the following lines shared by one of the devotees earlier on the experience blog:
“Yes, indeed it is true. Baba is ever merciful, ever-loving, ever caring, always watchful for His children. How can any calamity befall on us with Baba by our side? He is the true friend, life-partner, guardian and Guru. When the difficulty came, only You was remembered. You helped the devotees to cross the difficulties of the worldly ocean, who could know Your glory, my Sai!”
My sincere thanks to everyone behind this noble act of the Global Mahaparayan.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2087
Mahaparayan Experience Of Getting A Job After 4 Years

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Varsha From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and so is my family. I always wanted to do work. I got married and shifted abroad and I faced difficulty in searching for a job.
Nothing was working out for me. I used to send resumes but there was no response. For 4 years I struggled but I had faith in my Sai. Family friend of mine told me about Sai Global Mahaparayan and I joined in. I felt so good that it gave me strength from within to try and not fail and by the end of this year finally I got a job.
I can’t thank Sai enough, it will be less. I have no words. My faith in Baba just grows with every passing day. Thank You Sai and the Global mahaparayan team. Om Sai Rama!
Sai Devotee Varsha
#MP-Experience 2088
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai, please dissolve all the cysts of doubts and negativities whether big or small and make us ever devoted to Your holy feet. May Your love, blessings and grace heal us physically, mentally, emotionally and soulfully. May Your name help us achieve all our goals and finally merge in You! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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