Sai Chose Me In The Global Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Jai SaiRam.
Om SaiRam. I request to be posted as an anonymous Sai devotee. I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan for about 15 months. Sai has blessed me with many divine experiences, whenever I have felt low.
Recently, I had this experience, which again made me realise that Sai is all pervading and omniscient. That Thursday, as I sat to begin Sai Vrat Puja, I prayed to Sai, saying that I have surrendered to Krishna requesting to fulfil my desire and solve my problems and that I was performing the Sai Vrat Puja. I was in deep distress and tears were almost about to roll down. Then I calmed myself and completed the puja. Then I started reading the allotted chapters of the parayan. I read the words ‘Baba allowed the devotee to worship Him as they pleased.’ As I read these words I felt that Baba was giving that message to me. Then after I completed the parayan, I started reading the devotees’ experiences post.
Generally I read the Mahaparayan devotees’ experiences post either on Wednesday or on Friday. But for some reason, that day I chose to read on Thursday. It happened to be the experience of a Sai devotee where she experienced Baba as Krishna. I can’t express my feelings at that moment with words. I felt that Baba had heard my prayers and was assuring me that he had accepted my surrender to Krishna. I am immensely thankful to Baba for His grace and how He tirelessly comforts confused devotees like me who very frequently need assurance and leelas. I felt that it was my duty now to share the experience with all. I strongly believe that Baba will use this as an instrument to comfort some other devotee.
I am thankful to Baba for choosing and allowing me to be part of the Global Mahaparayan.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3031
The Power Of Global Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shruthi From India Says:
Om Sri Sai Ram! Thanks to the Mahaparayan organisers and Pooja ji .
I want to share my experience with all my Mahaparayan family members. I joined the Mahaparayan through my aunt and it’s been 2 years since this Mahaparayan. I am really indebted to Pooja ji who started the Global Mahaparayan and my aunt who encouraged me to join and Srivani ji, Bhavana ji who are helping me in this journey.
On 20th Jan 2021, afternoon when I was having my lunch something fell into my eyes and eyes were itchy and became red. On trying so much most of that got removed from my eyes by evening. But my eyes became very red and were very itchy for the whole night; which was a Wednesday.
I was in a restless mode with itching and I woke up at 1 am, which was a Thursday 21 Jan 2021, early hours. Then I applied Udi on my eyebrow and slept chanting Sai..Sai…Sai. When I woke up on Thursday morning, my eyes were still reddish with itching. Then I just started reading my allotted chapters of the Global Mahaparayan. It’s so wonderful, when the moment I started the parayana slowly, every pain went away and my eyes were back to their normal condition by Thursday evening. I felt and still feel, “That’s the power of Mahaparayan!”
Baba is always with me to overcome all kinds of problems. Problems may come and may go as clouds in the sky with Baba’s blessings. Most of the time, I feel that Baba is right next to me listening to everything and answering. We have to surrender with Shraddha and Saburi. Everything will move as per His wish which is best for our life. I feel that I am so lucky to be part of the Mahaparayana to read or listen Your stories Sai.
Thank You Baba. Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Shruthi
#MP-Experience 3032
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai does not require any paraphernalia for His worship. All that He needs is a loving heart with faith and patience. Living with positivity will create the positive energy and thus help you and Sai to manifest your thoughts and wishes into reality. Chant Sai… Sai… and life will start getting beautiful, worthy and meaningful. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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