Sai Baba Is Always With Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From the USA Says:
My experiences by joining and reading Baba’s Global MahaParayan:
I don’t know where to start narrating the various eelas of our Sai Baba? I joined the Global MahaParayan in May 2020. I even used to read Sai Satcharitra before joining the group of Mahaparayan. I am writing this from the USA and because of Baba’s blessings we have come back to the USA safely even in this pandemic situation.
In December 2019, we lost hope on everything and forcibly went back to India from the USA. Many attorneys in the USA told us that we will never be able to come back again because of the employers’ mistakes.
I again started reading Sai Satcharitra in January 2020 with one intention to resolve all the issues. Then a miracle happened.
When we were in India and Visa validity was about to expire in a month, the USA consulate corrected the problem in the USA and within a week my husband went back to the USA. Myself and kids planned to go after my husband’s Visa got extended. It got extended with 3 years validity after joining the MahaParayan group in the month of August.
Later major hurdles came as myself and kids needed visas but the consulate office was closed for many months because of Corona. However it became successful again with Baba’s blessings as we got a Visa appointment on Thursday and eventually Visa stamping.
Now we all are together after 10 months of departure and hopefully major issues came to an end. Baba will always be with us and will be experiencing Baba’s leelas everyday.
I strongly believe that if our intentions are pure and read Parayan with Shraddha and Saburi then our wishes will definitely come true.
A ‘thank you’ to the Global Mahaparayan group for starting this spiritual venture and spreading Baba’s leelas across the world.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai…!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3035
Divine Grace Of Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Radha Mani From India Says:
I submit the following experience at the divine lotus feet of Sri Baba. May Sai forgive me for any lapse on my part in describing His leelas.I came into the divine fold of Sai family at the age of 12 years. My elder sister who used to stay in Delhi once on a visit to our house gave me a small photo of Baba as I was tensed up for my final exams. Satakoti pranams to my elder sister. Since then Baba became my constant companion and is always with me. He became my Mother, Father, Guru, Friend, Philosopher and guide as per my requirements. I am now sixty years old and Baba still treats me as His child.
I thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for all that He has provided me in my life and also for the protection given to me in times of crises.
I joined the Global MahaParayan group in the year 2019. I, Radha Mani, belong to MP-5441N1 SAI GANESH group and has RollNo – 23.
In January 2020 my husband was not keeping well. He went to the doctor for a check-up casually and got admitted into the hospital. He called me from the hospital to come immediately carrying his health insurance card and other necessary items. I rushed to the hospital with my daughter and son-in-law who were by chance at home. As usual I took along with me Sai Satcharitra as it was a habit of mine to carry Sai Satcharitra. Doctors told us that he had to be operated on – a heart bypass surgery was needed to be done.
Immediately everything was arranged so fast and quickly by Baba as it was He Who had taken the complete charge in the form of my daughter and son-in-law. I gave all the burden to Baba, sat in a corner and started reading Sai Satcharitra. Throughout the surgery and our one week stay at the hospital the doctors and the staff were very friendly and helpful to us. As it is my habit of reading at least one chapter of Sri Sai Satcharitra daily I was constantly doing the parayana. That week Mahaparayan also was done in the hospital room.
By Baba’s grace the amount of surgery did not exceed the health insurance amount. This was indeed a miracle as I was expecting a huge amount. By Baba’s divine grace my husband was discharged without any further complications and he was home within a week. By Baba’s grace he is ok now. I thank Baba again and again for always protecting me and my family. Please believe me my dear Sai brothers and Sisters. We are all in the best care of Mother Sai Who always guides His children into the right path and protects
us always.
May Sai Shower His divine grace on all. Sarva Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu. Om Sri Sai Ram.
At the divine lotus feet of Baba
Sai Devotee Radha Mani
#MP-Experience 3036
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
No matter how old or young we are, Baba will mould Himself as we perceive Him; as our child, Mother, Father, Guru or friend. He is birthless, deathless and omniscient. He will show His presence when most needed or called with the most love and devotion. Make Him reside in your heart. Trust Him with all Your heart and He will not let your heart down. He knows your heart and will do the best for you. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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