Sai Baba Came As A Doctor For My Delivery

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Remya Mohan From India Says:
Om Sai Ram. I am Remya Mohan, a devotee from the Global Mahaparayan classroom MP-2815N1. I would like to share one of the biggest experiences that I recently experienced. I am blessed with a baby girl on 17th Oct 2020 with the grace of Sai Baba and Devi Ma. 17th Oct was the first day of Navaratri as well.
I was supposed to get admitted on 17th Oct and my proposed due date was 19th Oct. By the 16th afternoon I started having pain and so went to the hospital and got admitted on 16th Oct afternoon and I gave birth to my angel on 17th Oct early morning at 5:31am.
I had decided to do reading of Dussehra special nav parayan but I was sceptical about whether I would be able to complete my reading or not. So I asked one of our admin members if I could listen to the chapters rather than reading. She said you may do so and also she said if Baba wants you to read then you will be able to read otherwise He will show you some other way out. So my mom, my mausi and my dad also decided to read the nav parayan. My mom and my mausi had planned to stay with me in the hospital and there was one more devotee whom I had shared with the group link of nav parayan. Somehow we all were not able to open the link but we forgot to take Sai Satcharitra with us to hospital. So we got a clear indication that Baba did not want us to read and the same link my husband who is in Dubai was able to open it.
Most important miracle was yet to come. The doctor examined me and told me that I could go to my room for dinner and then come back to the labour room at 11 am and that they would try for normal delivery. My mom told the doctor that we were fine even if she decided for a C section. But the doctor said to first try for normal delivery. I went to the labour room at about 11pm and slept peacefully till 4am even though I had labour pains but not that major. At 4 am 17th Oct they induced me with pain and that’s when I started having major labour pain. At 5am my dad called up my mom and said that he had sent Baba for my delivery. My mom was perplexed by what he was saying. He watched live kakad aarti daily on his phone and did sashtang pranam to Baba. Similarly on 17th Oct he did the same but as soon as he did Pranam he saw Baba in green dress that doctors wear in OT. He prayed to Baba that I should have a safe delivery and told Baba to take care of me and I delivered my angel at 5:31am.
Everyone in the hospital around me, the doctors and nurses also said that it was a miracle delivery as with such less labour time I could deliver normally.
Doctor was also not sure whether I would be able to deliver normally as I am just 5 feet and my baby’s head was big. It was Sai Baba Who did my delivery. I had not done any exercise or anything for normal delivery nor did I do any walking. It was a miracle for me to have a normal delivery. Om Sainathay Namah.
Sai Devotee Remya Mohan
#MP-Experience 4017
Sai Baba Helped Us To Move Into A New Country

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Dipali Tiwari From India Says:
Om Sai Ra!
First of all I want to say thanks to my Sai Baba Who loves me and helps me in everything I do in my life. Also thanks to the Global MahaParayan group admins and members.
Sai Baba has done so many lelaas for me. I had already posted 2 of my experiences before. I had many small experiences but this one is a big one so noting it down. Actually I wanted to move to a new country, to change places and was constantly asking Baba to help me with this. He was working on my request from the beginning as my husband started getting some offers of new jobs. Then covid came and so things were moving slowly.
I was praying everyday to Baba and started my 9 Thursday vrat too and you won’t believe that when I finished my 9 th Thursday vrat we got the news that our visa had been approved for a new country.
Between the 9 Thursdays my husband got the new offer letter and we had finished all our formalities to get the visa. All thanks to Sai, love You Baba.
One more thing to add on this is we had booked our tickets for travelling on a Sunday to a new country. I used to fear in-between that we should be able to travel without any delay because covid cases were again increasing and used to pray to Baba to take care of everything. I was doing my 9 Thursday vrat again.
All of a sudden, just 15 days before our trip, the new company head massaged my husband to ask if we could prepone our tickets as the government might change some rules for international travellers because of covid. We said that we could prepone 2-3 days before our original travel date as my husband was still working till that day in his previous company. So finally they booked our ticket on a Thursday which was the 9th Thursday of my fasting.
Sai Baba made sure that we all travelled and reached here with all safety and convenience and most important with His ashirwad. He truly loves all His devotees and fulfils all their wishes, just that we have to have patience and faith.
Love You Baba. Stay with me and my family always and keep loving and blessing us and showing us the right path to move.
Sai Devotee Dipali Tiwari
#MP-Experience 4018
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us prepare our body to conceive love and devotion by taking supplements of faith, patience and reading or listening to Baba’s leelas. When this is done life will naturally deliver happiness and bliss in abundance. It will help us develop strength and fulfil our wish too as the one Who will nurse us, protect and guide us is none other than our universal father Sai Maa. Sai will bless you with everything you deserve. So let us keep doing good deeds to deserve the best that we desire. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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