Sai’s Blessings Through A Dream

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sekhar Satyambabu K From From USA Says:
Om Sri Sairam . My name is Sekhar Satyambabu K. I am from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1215N1- Vasuki USA. This is the second experience after joining the Global Mahaparayan group.
I had chest pain and light headedness in October and November 2020. I thought of checking with a doctor. I went to a physical exam and my EKG was abnormal and they referred me to a cardiologist. As usual I prayed to Baba and I have had gum bleeding for 2 years. I was supposed to go to a dental check-up in 2020 but because of the lockdown I didn’t go. I noticed my gum bleeding was the worst in December and went to the dentist for a check-up. They referred me to a periodontist and he said that it was better to remove all teeth except the upper 4 teeth. I was shocked because I didn’t have pain and tooth mobility. I googled and it showed that if untreated it will go to your heart and other organs too. I was scared a lot because my PCP had already been referred to a cardiologist. I prayed a lot and almost cried.
One night Baba appeared in my dream, immediately I touched His feet and cried like a baby. I was asking Him to give full health and purna aayush to my entire family members. Baba gave the ashirvad to me. He touched my head. I still feel the touch of His hand.
My cardiologist ordered some other tests. It was normal as Baba said.
I took a second opinion at a dentist in India and here (USA), they said no need to remove the teeth, just deep cleaning was required, but I was a little scared and was chanting Baba nama japa when the dentist was performing the cleaning. Seeing the injection ( anaesthesia) and tools, surprisingly I felt someone coming to me, holding my hand and saying, “Don’t worry.” The only one thing I didn’t see was Baba, but I felt His hands.
I am feeling very happy to share my experience.
Thank You, Sairam!
Sai Devotee Sekhar
#MP-Experience 4067
Sai Baba Saved My Dad’s Life

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sangeetha From India Says:
Om Sai Ram,
I would like to narrate how Baba saved my father and helped me to get through this tough phase.
On Mar 3, 2021 my dad by mistake drank eucalyptus oil instead of cough syrup. He is 72, a dialysis patient undergoing dialysis thrice a week and has a minimal eyesight. Once he realised that he drank eucalyptus oil he called us for help. I immediately took him to a nearby hospital. My dad started showing signs of seizures but the staff in the hospital couldn’t understand that and they started to hold his hands and legs firmly as they were on a thought that he was not cooperating for the treatment. Few ward boys even started slapping him as they couldn’t control him as they couldn’t even sense that it was a seizure attack.
I sensed that it was not the right place to get him treated and through an ambulance I took him to a reputed hospital. He was about to collapse in the ambulance itself but I started shouting Sai Ram, Aapadhpandava continuously and we reached the hospital without any mishap. The treatment was going on and he was getting treated in the Critical Care unit and they informed us that he had multiple seizure attacks. We faced many ups and downs during the treatment. My dad showed a little progress in treatment but the CCU doctor told me that he was deteriorating day by day and they needed to take a few costly tests which were risky too. He was scaring me like anything that my dad would collapse at any moment if we didn’t take the risk. I was not convinced and at the same time was dead scared. I was the only person with my dad in the hospital since my mother is 70 years old, has eyesight problems too and had left her at home to take care of a 3 year old kid and my husband got transferred and was working in a different city who couldn’t come immediately.
I have an elder sister who is in the US who couldn’t come immediately as well. I was crying to her on a phone call saying about the risky tests and wasn’t sure if I could give consent or not for the same. I was having a small metal Baba statue with me all the time in hospital and was talking to her with that statue in hand. Suddenly I remembered that my sister’s classmate was an emergency head doctor in another hospital and his name was Sai. Though he was her classmate I was reminded of that and asked her if we could cross check with him. She got his number and we reached him and he was happy to help us. He asked us to give the phone to the doctor to check if my dad really required such a risky procedure to be done.
Soon after I told that emergency doctor about my sister’s friend Dr.Sai. He dropped the idea of doing that risky procedure and said that it could be avoided. Literally they tried to cheat me since it was an expensive test and already my dad was struggling due to a lot of medications and procedures. That doctor didn’t have any mercy but he didn’t know that my Baba was always with me to take care and He came to help me in the form of my sister’s friend Dr.Sai. It was such a great miracle of Sai Ram.
The current status of my father’s treatment is that he has come out of the Critical Care Unit purely out of Baba’s grace and has been moved to ward. Although we are facing the next problem that he is hallucinating a lot which was not before, Sai Ram will help my family to walk through this stage as well.
The chapters which I read in Mahaparayan was completely in sync with my situation everytime and I have got complete faith and strength that Baba will take care of me always.
Love You Sai Ram
Sai Devotee Sangeetha
#MP-Experience 4068
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With Sai nothing is Impossible. He can make bitter Neem leaves sweet along with healing and nectar-like properties. He turns our impurities into purities, our incapabilities into capabilities, hurdles into opportunities, curses into blessings and impossible into possible.Those who ever remember Baba, worship Him wholeheartedly and chant His name are blessed and need not worry about anything as Sai our Universal Father will take all the care. Don’t doubt and then He will really turn negatives into positives, nights into days and tears into tears of joy. Just Believe! Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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