Shirdi Sai Baba Fulfilled My Desire Of Getting His Darshan Through His Photos MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Karishma Dixit from New Zealand says : Om Sairam to all devotees. My name is Karishma Dixit from MP-106 New Zealand group. I have no words to describe the strength, peace and love I have experienced from the time I have started doing the Mahaparayana. From the very first chapter that I read directly addressing my state of mind almost like Sai Baba was talking to me instructing me on the very concern and stress I was going through. The chapters allocated every Thursday have been selected as if to tell me/give me a hint, show me He is there and watching over with kindness. I would like to share couple of such beautiful experiences.

During last holidays after doing Sai naam jaap I just thought how lovely it would be if I got Sai darshan today even if in the form of a photo, somewhere somehow. That day we had planned a family outing and going to temple for darshan was not possible hence I thought how can I see Sai Baba today. Also the place we were going was just out by the sea and shops etc. In India every shop has pictures of deities and I was wondering to myself it would have been possible in India to get a glimpse of Sai Baba if I looked but here there was no such possibility.

As the day went along I got carried away and forgot about the darshan/glimpse. Then while on way back home walking through the shops I suddenly remembered and dejectedly thought that it was not possible. We then decided to take away some food, I knew it would be some Chinese/Thai type but to my surprise my brother-in-laws and husband who would not have preferred Indian said they wanted to eat Indian food.

Now here I was in the car driving to the Indian place, on my way I saw our temple! With great devotion I prayed thinking of Sai Baba in there, further along the road I saw a Sai Sansthan name on a building front and thus I thought this was the glimpse I was hoping for today and thus feeling very happy. I mentally prostrated before our loving Sai. Before we went to eat; my husband wanted something from an Indian shop nearby the restaurant and when I went in the shop what can I say – there were several murtis and pictures of Sai Baba there! Can you imagine I felt goosebumps and had tears on how He made us come there to the other side of the city totally unplanned for the darshan! This experience gives me strength and reminds me of those joyous moment.

Other experience was the week of Holi when I was thinking of how we celebrated it many years back in India. In my mind I had the word Shimga as my uncle always called Holi Shimga, just thinking about those years I felt nostalgic. Then to my surprise the chapter I was allocated that Thursday was none other than Chapter 40! As soon as I read the word Shimga I had tears and Hemandpant waiting for Sai Baba to come to his house for dinner, I thought wow could Baba come to my house in any form? That night I made nice dinner, bought puran polis and thought that after lighting diya in the evening I will invite Baba for dinner and thinking of Him present with us we all would enjoy the dinner.

Likewise we had a very nice dinner and I slept early. Next morning when I checked my phone one of our MP member had sent a photo frame of Sai Baba looking outside the frame. It was a 3D photo where Baba’s gaze was following the devotee on the other side. Now the magical thing is the 3D photo frame is exactly the same as we have at our house on a big mirror in our lounge! This was sent last night at 10.17vpm if I had seen this before sleeping I would see for myself that Baba even came to my house through the photo/mirror frame.

How Sai Baba looks after us and how He instructs/addresses to our well-being, we will never be able to imagine. I pray to our loving Sadguru Sainath to always bless us all, show us the right path in life, shower Hs love, affection and kindness always on us. Always stay with us in our hearts, minds and actions. I wish all devotees His grace shines upon us. Last but not least thank you Pooja ji and all the volunteers who are part of MP. May Sai Baba bless you all for this service. Thank you Kokila for asking me to be a part of the MP.

Om Sai Ram.
Karishma Dixit

Really Baba’s ways are Baba’s ways, simply beyond our human intellect. Even the picture attached to this post is so relevant and its just randomly selected as I cannot see it while making a selection but only after it has been selected. So all are Baba’s doing and we all His children are just small instruments. A call from our heart reaches to His Heart directly, No other mode of communication is required to reach our Baba. Through Love & faith (The wireless connection) we can get connected with our Father Baba. Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 284

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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