Shirdi Sai Devotee Muskan from India says : Sai Leela Anant. Sairam everyone, I am from MP-23 Sukrity Mahaparayan group. This is my beautiful experience saying how Baba blessed me to do His seva in Naam Jaap.
On 24-3-18, I was reading Mahaparayan experience of a Sai Bhakta. I came across one divine experience where one lady had experienced the wonderful Leela of Deva and also she is doing seva in Naam Jaap and how Baba blessed her during seva(as described in post). After reading that, I thought how lucky and blessed are all of those, whom Baba has chosen to do His seva, I wish even I too get a chance to do it.
As it has been said in Sai Satcharitra that “Baba Sadaiv Uttam Vichaaro ke Protsahan Dete Hain” (which means, “Baba Always Encourage Good Deeds And Thoughts) in same way Baba encouraged my wish too. And lo!! at the meantime in my Mahaparayan group(MP-23 Sukrity), someone has messaged to do seva in Naam Jaap as captain or monitor from 12 am to 3 am, and interested ones were asked to ping personally. What a perfect timing!!! Ahhh Deva!!!. I was in a Dilemma whether I can do or not or should I need to take this responsibility or not as this was for life time and it was also odd time as per IST(12-3am).
Overall this thought was coming to my mind, so I prayed to Deva and asked Baba to give me a clear indication. And moreover it was night time. So I prayed Deva to come in my dream as read in many Leela and to give me an indication. But He didn’t come, nothing happened as such, so I was sad and dejected. Let me tell you all here, we should never demand anything from Him because whatever He wants to give He will and by demanding we are fixing limits to His grace.
So doing same I was fixing limits, but He had other ways and His own ways. Next day morning I was overwhelmed with all these thoughts. I replied to Ritu di for taking details like, what to do? and how etc.
I often used to ask questions to Baba through Q&A site to get my queries solved. So this time too I opened the site and typed 192 number and lo!! It was a sweetest reply of our Deva giving me all clear indication. Baba said “Your desire to follow religious routine will be fulfilled. Gain success. You will get experience of blessings of Sai” (uploading the picture screenshot of Baba’s answer).
This way I got confirmation that Baba wants me to do His seva. So I further talked to the admin (Bhakti di) and she is a lady of sweet personality. She solved all my queries regarding my work. Once she also asked if I could do or not?… As it was an odd time for me as I am staying in India (As I need to look after from 12am to 3am) and it may have negative effect on my health. Again I was in a dilemma as this was true, it was odd time and my maa paa also don’t like everytime mobile in my hand.
Moreover it was late night sleeping and parents usually wants us to study well. So talking to her for final yes or no from my side, casually I came across a Mahaparayan experience whose title was “Shirdi Sai helped me to fulfill Mahaprayan Duty”.(uploading the screenshot). It was appearing as if Baba is saying me “Don’t worry I will handle each and everything”.
And there are always quotes in each experience and in this one Baba says through picture that “God tests you right before He blesses you. Stay strong”. Now with a big smile I confirmed for my Jaap duty from 12am to 3am. Later I am monitoring from 12am to 1am as per Baba’s wish and blessings. Here Baba not only gives indication but also guides us to stay strong.
Thank You Deva always for Your endless grace on this fool daughter of Yours. You always take us on a path that leads to You Deva! Thank you all. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Without His will not a leaf moves. What could be better than being Baba’s Sevaks where Baba Himself makes us His instruments to work with! Although for such seva we are not paid in terms of money but surely far beyond that, as what we do comes back to us many folds. So all Baba’s sevaks are getting lots of blessings in return and surely helping in our evolution, spiritual upliftment and cleansing of our Karmas too! Thank You Baba for making us instrumental in Your service!!! Love You Baba a lot. Baba Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 205
P. S. We started publishing one
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