Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings For Stress Management And Desired Work Opportunity MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba From Tokyo says : Sai Ram. Here I am going to share my experience of Mahaparayan. I have been working in a news agency as a journalist in Tokyo and the work is not so easy here. I have been showing a slow progress since I entered the company in 2014. There is a flow of progression in my company and the first step is being able to write about foreign exchange. It rarely and sadly took me a long time clear this first step; meaning starting to write about Foreign Exchange (forex). Last year, I lost all the interest in work seeing not much progress.

But I keep asking many questions to Baba in His Question and Answer website whenever I feel low. The answer was “all your worries will be over in November, December. New projects will be undertaken.” Life has not been so easy for past many years and rather got more difficult again since January 2017 when my boyfriend broke up with me. After reading that answer I did feel that Baba was indicating that I may get to step up one ladder above at the end of 2017 as He indicated. But in a half-yearly assessment interview at the office in October 2017, my boss said I will have to wait for six more months to be able to write about forex. That made me down a little bit again, but as I said I had already lost interest in work and I was hopeless about it, so did not care much.

But then an office party took place and there I told about how I feel about working in the company and all my worries to a new person who had joined us, he is next to my boss. Surprisingly enough, after that party, I was suddenly asked to write about forex in November. That was a real surprise to me. And our editor said that “this is the order from the boss,” referring to the same man who had told me that it will take six months more. I was happy and thanked Baba. True to His words, “new projects were undertaken in November.” What has not been possible these many years happened after Mahaparayan. Baba has His own timing, we humans are too tiny to understand His plans.

Also me, my ex-boyfriend; whom I mentioned above, was still living in the same house as me and a friend even after our breakup. I share the house with two other people, him being one. I never wanted to ask him to leave and he too never suggested such thing though we both used to fight after our breakup. But again when things started going over my head, Baba indicated something like “you will live at a new house”. And I thought Baba was asking me to ask him to leave the house. So rather than asking him to leave, I said I told him and the other flatmate that I would leave. But then he offered to leave and left the house last month. Although I do miss him and question Baba why could we never patch up, I became calmer than before.

Writing about forex came soon after he left. Forex made me more busy at work and care less about petty issues, including emotional ones. I am much peaceful now than I was. Maybe Baba wanted me to get less affected by His absence by getting busier at work. Maybe that was the reason that He made forex happen at this time. He only knows why He does, whatever He does?

I do not know if my ex will ever come back to me. Surrendering is a difficult thing to follow, but I am trying to leave everything at His feet. I have realized that I have no control over anything. Anything at all. Thank You Baba for guiding me always and bearing my tantrums for years. I know You are clearing away my karmas. But please do as You think is best. Love You Baba.

Om Sai Ram!

When we surrender wholeheartedly and let God plan and decide for us, undoubtedly we have to get the best. So in this Kaliyug we can atleast trust Baba blindfoldedly as He would never lead us wrong. Thanks Baba for being in our lives. Jai Sai. Love You Sai Maa.

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 110

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen..!

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