Baba Blessed Me With An Elder Sister

Sai Devotee Kanika Sahdev From India Says: I would like to thank my Sai Who has given this opportunity to us to make this Mahaprayan successful. I also want to thank Hetal di and wants to give my best wishes to her and her family. Because of Hetal di’s hard work, inspiration and encouragement we got such a wonderful platform to discuss about Sai’s leela which gives us lot of relief and strength. And thanks to my elder sister Pooja di for her faith, trust and Confidence in me. Also a big thanks to dear Kriti Ji for her beautiful creatives who converts all our Sai’s words into beautiful creations. And my special thanks to my mother Madhu Sahdev because of her only I was able to work late night, she is the one who remains awake with me for whole night and helps me a lot in Mahaprayan work. Last but not the least I want to thank my sister Honey Sahdev and my two besties( Kanika Dutta and Janki Soneja) whom I was not in touch for so long but with this Mahaprayan I came close to both of them and they both helped me a lot and all the devotees who helped us making this Mahaprayan smooth and successful. Sorry due to space concern I might not be able to mention all the names but I got so many beautiful relations through this Mahaparayan and I hope our bond would be for forever and it will be stronger day by day by Saimaa’s Grace.

I would like to share my recent dream with everyone. From several days I was discussing with my friends that Sai Baba appeared in my dream so many times but He never spoke to me. So on Sunday night I got a dream from Baba where Baba was sitting on a surface and me and Pooja di were in front of Him. And Suddenly Baba spoke that always be together, never leave each other’s hand. Then I said Baba You know I consider her as my elder sister. Then me and pooja di went close to Baba and then He held both of our hands in His hands and joined our hands. And again He said, “Yaad Rakhiyo Ye Haath Kabhi Chodna Nahi, Me Keh Raha Hu Na Bus Yaad Rakhna Hamesha Or Dekhna Phir Sab Bahot Acha Hoga”( remember my words be together and never leave this hand, I am saying so just remember always and you will see in future everything would be alright.) Then me and Pooja di hugged each other.

Then lot of things were in mind that I wanted to ask lot of questions from Baba, so I told Baba I want to ask so many things from you. He said Ok. So the first question I asked Him about my dear friend as she was very tensed due to some personal problems so He said tell her everything will be alright soon so do not take tension. So I was very happy after hearing the answer from Saimaa and suddenly I woke up and I realised that I was not able to ask about myself. But later on I understood the main reason of this dream.

On Monday morning when I woke up I was very happy to tell my dream to my mother, Pooja di and my friend. But in the morning I was supposed to go to the temple first. So I was very confused whether should I go to temple first or should I tell about this dream to Pooja di. But Our Sai’s leelas and timings are perfect. The moment I came back from washroom, Pooja di had called me and my mumma told me Kanu(my nickname) pooja is calling. I said mumma please pick her call and Baba solved my confusion. Then I told her about the dream and she was very happy and she told me I want to hug you. I said I am feeling the same. Then she told me that she was very tensed due to some reason and she was saying Baba that He had not given her any gift as she had heard so from many people texting her after Mahaparayan had started and now He had given her me as a gift to her as a Sister. Everytime I used to tell Pooja di that you are like my elder sister, anytime you need my help please let me know and Pooja di always told me Kanika you are my right hand, without you it would have been very difficult for me to manage Mahaprayan work and so Baba has sent you in my life and blessed me. Even she told the same to my mother. Infact Hetal di also told the same to me and Pooja di. And Now Sai Baba also had given this confirmation in my dream.

Then Pooja Di told there were few more things which Baba was inspiring her to take up since last night. But she felt how could they be accomplished as she felt they were still very challenging and difficult than Mahaparayan. Pooja Di said that she knew if Baba wants to get them done He would send many angels of His in her life and I was one of them. Pooja Di felt with this dream to me, Baba had doubled her strength and given her another positive sign to march ahead. Pooja Di said that she felt that Baba wanted to convey that with this collaboration (I and Pooja Di) many good projects could be undertaken under the shelter of Baba’s blessings. I could feel the tears in her eyes seeing this leela of our dear Baba.

And on other hand my friend was very tensed she decided to leave SAIMAA 9 days Parayan (this is the different parayan which I have started there is also a story behind this Parayan as my friend was very tensed about some problem and we were taking over the phone whole night so I told her do not worry we should start 9 days Parayan where all 9 people will prayer for a particular person for 9 days and this way we will do prayer for every individual for 9 days and Baba will definitely fulfill our wishes so I called to all the nine people and they all were agree and I told Pooja di also we are starting this from tomorrow onwards so she told me do not start now start from thursday onwards as there is lot of Mahaprayan work which you need to handle then I said no everyone is very much excited to start this parayan so I will manage all the work so do not worry even Baba does not want us to start Parayan from that day. As we started the Parayan and on first day of Parayan one of devotee called me and she said I was not aware that for whole 9 days we need to pray for a particular person I am sorry I am not able to pray for 81 weeks for everyone (although its not 81 weeks but many more confusions arose) and some other people were also confused so we had to stop our Parayan on that day and then on next day me and my best friend her name is also Kanika (Kanika Dutta) decided that will do this Parayan for 9 days only and every day we will complete whole Sai Satcharitra and pray for each person every day. In this way Baba introduced us new kind of parayan. We have so many kind of Parayans which me and Pooja di will share soon on Mahaparayan website) As I told my friend had decided to leave the group and I was not aware about this. After I came back from temple, I called her and told her about the dream that I asked Baba about her in dream and so she was very happy. As she was very tensed that Baba did not listens to her and felt nothing works so felt like not to read. I said see I was not aware what was in your mind But Baba knows everything that’s why He came in my dream and told me about you, So please do not worry it is a very good sign and He wants You to continue this parayan. So she agreed.

I was very surprised in one dream. Baba solved all the problems as He spoke to me, given the gift to Pooja di, blessed me with elder sister and solved my friend’s problem. I can not express my feeling I was so happy after this dream. I just pray to my Saimaa that please fulfill all the wishes of Your devotees and give them all the happiness.Sorry for long post. Thank you so much everyone for all your support and help. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai.

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  1. Dheeraj From Blue group of Holly Mahaparayan…..Such a graceful, adorable, awesum Leela Of Baba Sai..I pray to Sai Ji to bless all of us wid immense Fath, Devotion, perseverance & luv…..May Baba Ji Bless wid his dream as I'm wishing it from a long long time….Om Sai Ram To All Bhakta'z..!!

  2. We are extremely & highly blessed to become a small part of this big event of Mahaparayan. Baba please bless us all.

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