Thank You Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Devotee K Pramila says : Om Sai Ram. After I started doing Sai Baba Parayan, my critical problem got solved to an extent of 50% and it was unbelievable. I have now got confidence that Babaji will surely…
Shirdi Sai Devotee K Pramila says : Om Sai Ram. After I started doing Sai Baba Parayan, my critical problem got solved to an extent of 50% and it was unbelievable. I have now got confidence that Babaji will surely…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Manibala From India says : I am Manibala from MP-142 Group. I had shared some of wonderful experiences before which had happened during Mahaparayan. And now I would like to share another experience with you all. Last…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sapna from India says : Om Sai Ram to my Sai family. Inam Sapna from New Delhi. Yesterday I was very upset due to life hurdles. Then I came to know about the group “Sai-Heal-Our-Relationship” group (Where…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says : My humble pranams at Your lotus feet Sai. With Bhagawan’s grace, I have been a part of Mahaparayan and there are countless miracles. This life is a grace of Sai and whatever…
Shirdi Sai devotee Anupama Arora from Australia says : Om Sai Ram to everyone. May our Sai Baba pour His love and compassion on all of you and vanish your pain, suffering and agony from your life. Just sharing with…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sai Shruthi from India says : Sairam Everyone, I am from MP-56 group. Want to share a miracle which happened two weeks before. I was in office and my team was taken to training room and it…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Gunja from India says : Om Sai Ram, by Baba’s grace , I am a part of this wonderful group where I get to pray with thousands of devotees. I was able to be part of the…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Nikita Mallya from India says: Sai Ram. First of all I would like to thank you for providing such a beautiful opportunity to each and every devotee of Sri Sai Baba. I am an Engineering student. Now…
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Poulin P from India says: Sai Ram ji, this is how His play goes. I am in love. So as any other girls even I was worried whether our wedding would happen. I was a staunch…