With Baba’s Grace Found My ID

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kalpana from India says: Hello friends, Sairam, I just completed a vacation trip and had to start for work. Unfortunately when I came to work I saw that my ID card to punch in was missing.…
Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kalpana from India says: Hello friends, Sairam, I just completed a vacation trip and had to start for work. Unfortunately when I came to work I saw that my ID card to punch in was missing.…
Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Bhavani from London says: I am Bhavani, living in London sharing my experiences with Baba During Mahaparayanam. I am truly blessed to be part of Mahaparayan. Thanks to all the admins and volunteers who are leading…
Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Preetha Kumar from India says: Sai Ram, I was working as a teacher in a reputed school for the past ten years. But somehow didn’t like to go for work due to unhealthy relationship at workplace.…
Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Sivani Pogulakonda from India says: Hi Pooja Ji for bringing up this awesome group of Mahaparayan which gave me immense support in every situation. I am an ardent devotee of Sri Sai Baba since childhood.We used…
Anonymous Devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from US says: Sai Ram Poojaji, I humbly submit my Mahaparayan experience at the Lotus Feet of Our Beloved Sai. My journey on how I obtained the grace to do Mahaparayan is a story…
Shirdi sai devotee Vidya Yakkundi from USA says: Om Sai Ram Pooja Ji. Thank you for providing us all with a beautiful platform to share our Mahaparayan experiences with our beloved Guru Shri Sai Baba. Reading these beautiful experiences of…
Anonymous devotee of Shirdi Sai from India says: Sai Ram All, I am from MP- 88. For a long time I was debating whether to post my experience thinking it is a small matter. But, after reading experiences of others,…
Anonymous Devotee of Shirdi Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram Pooja ji,Hetal ji and all the team members who are doing such a noble work together. I feel myself very lucky and blessed to be chosen by Baba Himself…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Mangla Kittur from South Africa says: Om Sai Ram. I want to share a small miracle that just happened. There are loads of miracles needed to be shared, with His grace will share one by one. Thanks…