Sai Gave Me Two Mangoes

Shirdi Sai Devotee Susamaji Says: Sai Ram! I am roll no 9, Susama, member of MP 326 – Sai Pallavi group. Thank You Sai and all MP group members who have chosen me for this purpose. Today I will share…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Susamaji Says: Sai Ram! I am roll no 9, Susama, member of MP 326 – Sai Pallavi group. Thank You Sai and all MP group members who have chosen me for this purpose. Today I will share…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sai Chandanaji Says: Sai Ram! First of all I would like to thank the members who started this wonderful Mahaparayan program. Really it’s a great and wonderful program. By doing Mahaparayan my life is getting smoother and…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sandhyaji from India Says:I am from Coimbatore. Sai Ram! First of all, I thank all the members of this group who are doing a great work by connecting all the Sai Bhakts! I can’t thank God enough,…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Priyaji Says: Sai Ram! I belong to MP-1927 group. I am a Sai devotee and am fortunate to be a part of Mahaparayan group. Sai has made me feel His presence so many times in the last…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Madhuriji Says: Sai Ram! My name is Madhuri. I am an ardent devotee of Baba. I joined MP-1337 group recently. We stay in Warangal but I also have a house in Hyderabad. Hard to believe but I…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Savithriji From India Says: Om Sai Ram. Firstly I bow to my dear Baba for His blessings and care on me. Really I am glad to share my experience with all of the Mahaparayan members. Being a…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Chaitanyaji Says: Om Sai Ram! I’m member of MP-852 group. I would like to wholeheartedly thank the people behind this blog and Mahaparayan. You are truly blessed by Babaji. I have a lot of love and devotion…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Bhanupriyaji From India Says: Dear Mahaparayan team, I Bhanupriya from Hyderabad member of MP-442 (Roll No: 17, blue house) wanted to share experience of Baba’s love and care towards His devotees. Firstly, thanks to our MP442 organizer…