Category Sai Our Saviour

Sai The Saviour

Shirdi Sai Devotee Indiraji From India Says: Sai Ram! I am Indira Meduri, belong to the Mahaparayan group MP-4869 which I joined in September 2019, Green House, from Hyderabad. Wish to narrate our dearest Baba’s kindness shown to our family.…

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Sai My Saviour

Shirdi Sai Devotee Monikaji Says: Om Sai Ram to all the brothers and sisters of my Sai family. I am Monika, a small devotee of Baba. I would like to pen down a few miracles that I have experienced after…

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Sai Leela

Shirdi Sai Devotee Lalithaji From India Says: Om Sai Ram! My name is Lalitha, an ardent devotee of Baba. I joined MP- 1895 group recently and my roll no is 37. We stay in Vishakhapatnam. I am a strong believer…

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