Shirdi Sai Baba’s Prasad Cured My Son’s Throat Infection MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Arivalaki Chandrasekar from India says: Sairam to all ! First I want to thank Baba for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this Mahaparayan and thanks to all the admins for their continuous effort and support from behind to all Sai devotees like me. It’s true that one’s lifestyle and way of thinking changes after reading the Sai Satcharitra ! I too have experienced a lot of changes in my life after being a part of my MP-58 Arivalaki Sai group. Thank You Baba for giving me some responsibility in this big event.

Miracles of Udi are all I know these days since I knew Baba. But after my Shirdi visit this year and making donation I was given some white powder packet which I saw for the first time and never got a chance to discuss about this with my friends but to my surprise – yes, that has made a miracle in my son’s health. I didn’t open it for few days as I am not sure what to do with it but kept on my pooja table near Baba. Later I read on our Mahaparayan blog that’s it’s a crushed sugar given by our Sansthan.

After 2 weeks of our visit my 4 year kid suffered from throat infection. He had this infection twice before which was so severe, once during our U.S. trip and the other in India(both cases he was unable to swallow even his saliva and he was treated with heavy medicines and even hospitalised once) Again he was down with the same issue and I was not sure what to do and I got panicked. As usual I took him to hospital and started our antibiotic but he still had pain in his throat and he showed similar symptoms which made me worry that he might have to be hospitalised again as last time. I was praying Sai to give him relief from this and to my surprise changes happened. My son asked me to give Sai Baba sweet and he says Sai Baba sweet will cure me Amma.

I was not sure if I can give it or not as doctor advised strictly no sweets or bakery products. Suddenly I remembered the story we read in Satcharitra chapter 13, with Baba’s blessings even a substance that creates aggravation for some disorders have acted as medicines. So without any hesitation I trusted Baba and I prayed Sai to give him relief from this and gave him small pinch of crushed sugar as a medicine 3 times a day.

Sai never fails us and approved my faith too as next morning my son was alright and he was back to school on Monday! (in 2 days he was alright but in last 2 cases we suffered more than 10 days in hospital). I couldn’t thank God enough and today we both went to Special Pradhosam (Siva temple) which comes once in many years and was blessed by Lord Siva (Sai Himself ). I will always trust in Him as now and feel blessed ! Thank You Sai and once again thank you all admins for giving me an opportunity to pen His leelas .

Om Sai Ram
Arivalaki chandrasekar

Sunthavada (White Sugar Prasad Packet is ginger powder mixed with sugar as Prasad prepared by Radhakrishnamaai during the Ram Navami festival. This prasad is mentioned in Chapter 6 of the Holy Sai Satcharitra. Baba’s ways are unique and beyond our intellect. Anything offered as prasad and eaten with faith can do us all good; no matter then what the prasad is! Love You Sai Maa. Jai Ho Sai! 

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 156

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen. !

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