Shirdi Sai Devotee Navithaji from India says: Sairam everyone. I am Navitha from Vijayawada.I want to share a small miracle which happened today. Generally I used to think everyday that all are experiencing Baba’s leelas after starting Mahaparayan and I haven’t experienced anything but today I have experienced a miracle which I couldn’t forget in my lifetime which made me utmost happy.
Now coming to my experience, every Saturday I used to visit Balaji temple. Today also I woke up early in the morning and in a hurry to reach the temple as early as possible I hadn’t kept my earrings properly. I thought everything was perfect and took my scooty and left to temple and had darshan of lord Balaji. The temple was very crowded as thousands of pilgrims would visit on saturday as it is more powerful and it is called Konaseema Tirupathi.
After that while returning I had a visit to Sai Baba temple and lord Dattatreya beside Sai temple. Generally I used to go to Sai temple first and then Dattatreya but today I had first darshan of Lord Dattatreya and then Saimaa. After taking prasad and applying Udi on my forehead, seeing mirror I realized that I lost my earring and no thought had come to my mind to search there.
I was thinking that I have lost it in Balaji temple which was overcrowded or at parking place where I had removed my scarf before entering into temple and worn my scarf again while returning. I had a thought that may be while removing my scarf I might have lost my earring as even the road was having ups and downs so it might have fallen there on the road side. I returned to that place and at the same time I came across a person nearby my home who had darshan of Balaji and while returning asked me, Have I come at that time? I said ‘No’ I already had darshan and came in search of my lost earring.
He also searched for that and it was found nowhere. That person was around 70 years old then left for home and I still searched sometime but in vain. While returning I again visited Sai temple and Dattatreya temple but nowhere found my lost earring. After returning home I felt very sad that after believing Baba I hadn’t lost anything but why today? Again I came across that person at my home with a smile on his face asked me after returning from Balaji temple where you had gone. I told everything to him and he said that he has the habit of visiting Sai Baba and Dattatreya temple daily and while doing Sashatang Pranamam in Dattatreya temple he found my earring and gave it to me saying Sai is always with you, don’t worry.
Really I couldn’t control my emotions, tears rolled out from my eyes. I had lost hope on that, but how Baba will make me sad? He gave me plenty of happiness. The thing is that earring had not fallen on the road which has ups and downs or in the crowded area in Balaji temple or in Sai Baba temple where one marriage group had come early in the morning but it had fallen in the temple where no one was there except Lord Dattatreya. Even pujari also went away by lighting diya early in the morning. How could I meet a person at Balaji temple who searched for my earring and found it in Dattatreya temple ? Thinking every moment and every situation I felt that this was perfectly Saimaa’s leela which made me very very happy that I couldn’t express in words. Thank You so much Baba, thank You Venkateswara swamy, thank You Lord Dattatreya.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Wow! Wonderful Leela of our Saimaa. I feel the old man was none other than our Sai Baba Himself Who first met you at Balaji temple, inspite of being around 70 years tried to search for you, then He too happened to visit both the temples. After that again He met you near Your home and it happened to be your earring itself. All these cannot be coincidentally all coincidences but definitely a Sai- Incidence! Truly said Navitha ji it was all Baba’s Leela to fulfill your wish to experience His leela after starting Mahaparayan. Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 194
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God is great.Sai Baba is great.
Very nice story, Navitha!
Very nice story, Navitha!
Sai is omnipresent
Since childhood I believe in Saibaba so much and he has helped me numerous times.
I am very happy to be part of this mahaparayan group.
How did I get into this group?
I am part of a local whatsapp group and I hardly keep up with the messages in that group as there are too many messages to read, but used to check as and when I have time. One day, I opened that whatsapp group and saw about mahaparayanam. In deep my heart, I felt that baba wants me to be part of this group and thats why he made me see that message. So, I joined the group and really enjoy every time I do the mahaparayanam.
Many times tears rolled out of my eyes while reading babas stories.
My first miracle happened recently.
God has given wonderful voice to my daughter and she sings god's songs regularly, also participates in singing competitions especially in Saibaba temple near our house. I always feel fortunate to buy the house very near to Sai temple and almost every thursday we go to sai temple. It became part of our regular life cycle.
First singing competition my daughter won was in sai temple and she got first place in 2016 singing competition in the age category 6 to 9years old. I really feel that its a really good start for her in singing career which shows baba's grace on her. After that she won first prize in national ATA(American Telugu Association) singing competition. As my daughter is growing she has developed little stage fear and she lost in 2017 competition. For some reason, she started losing her confidence because of 2017 competition and most of the times doing mistakes while singing feeling that she may not perform well. This year 2018 she entered 10 to 14 years age group as she turned 10. I was praying my saibaba that she lost her confidence in sai temple competition and she has to get back that confidence in your temple. I know that its not easy to win with bigger kids. But I had hope in my heart that baba will make her win at least second or third prize. The most important thing that I want was to get her confidence back. In my mind I was thinking that I will write this as a miracle in mahaparayan experiences, if she wins at least any prize in the competition.
She got selected into finals. She picked a song on Hanuman and I told her that Hanuman is emblem for confidence and bravery. I also told her just sing with confidence and don't even think about result or winning. The competition came very near, only less than a week's time was left and she got flu. I got so disappointed but still had faith in my baba that she will do good. Sai never broke my belief till now and exactly as I expected she performed very well with grace of my Lord. She won the first prize in 10 to 14 years category which was a surprise to me as there were kids who usually sing very well. Its all because of sai's mahima.
I am very happy that sai has given me a chance and shakthi to write my experience. I hope to write many more like this.
Jai Sairam