Shirdi Sai Devotee Neetuji from India says : Om Sai Ram, I am Baba’s devotee since so many years. Recently I joined VSP(Vishnu Sahastranaam Parayan) group. After that I got to know about Mahaparayan. It was late to join because it hads been started in 2017 and now it was March 2018.
I asked to 2 or 3 devotees that shall I join this MP group but there were no vacant seats as all classes are full. Then I prayed to Baba to please give me assurance that soon I would become a member of MP group.
I have full Faith on Baba as He is always with me and always answers my prayers. I always keep Shraddha and Saburi and it paid. I joined Mahaparayan 2018 and not only became a member of Mahaparayan group but also by Baba’s grace I have my own class of 48 member’s and a beautiful Sai family. Thanks Deva for this beautiful opportunity and thanks for Your love.
Om Sai Ram.
In Baba’s darbar we can never say we are late. Baba will pull only when our time comes and His timings are just perfect. Who will read which chapter when and in which group are all decided by Baba and we have seen this in past so many experiences in MP. By taking up seva we are not doing anyone any favour but somewhere working on our own spiritual upliftment and also washing out our karmas. Neetuji, Thanks for coming forward and taking up seva of a class teacher as we need many helping hands. If Baba wishes from coming Dasera we would again continue with many more classrooms. Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 276
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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