Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. I am feeling very blessed to be a part of Mahaparayan, which brought me so closer to Baba and also transformed my life. My heartfelt thanks to each and everyone who is working hard to make it successful.
Only after Mahaparayan, I heard about Das Ganu ji’s Stavan Manjari, and the first time I read it. It was divine bliss to read. I still remember it very clearly. The way Das Ganu ji has penned down and praised Baba has made a deep impression in my heart and my respect grew for Das Ganu ji. Only then I realized the statement that Baba is most pleased when His Disciples are honored.
When I heard about Stavan Manjari Parayan, without a second thought, I requested the coordinator to consider me and I was waiting for it to start. Coming to my experience, I am going through a financial crisis for the past few months and was trying to close a loan as I was paying huge interest. I spoke to Baba about this many times but completely forgot about it for the past week. Yesterday on the first Ekadashi Parayan, before starting Stavan Manjari I thanked Baba for giving me an opportunity and requested Him to transform my life in this one year and help me get out of this crisis. I happily recited the Stavan Manjari and Thanked Baba again, completed my daily Parayan, and left for the office.
By afternoon, due to the year-end closing, a six-digit amount was credited to my salary account. It was not the last working day to get my salary yesterday and also not the amount I have ever expected. I was busy at work and did not pay much attention to it. Then I realized that the whole amount was sufficient enough to close the loan. I cannot express how blessed I felt at that moment. Baba heard my prayers and worked on them even when I had completely forgotten them. I immediately made an online donation to Shirdi Sansthan towards Naivedya Fund which I never knew existed as I always donate to Annadaan. I felt Baba accepted my Dakshina and blessed me.
After a long time, I went through the Mahaparayan experiences blog today and after a while, I felt that I do not have any experiences to be published and I will not be a part of this everlasting blog. Just then the thought of the miracle which happened yesterday flashed in my mind but even then I did not think of writing it. But all of a sudden I do not know I decided to share it and I am here penning it down.
All I want to say is we just need to completely surrender to Baba and He will take care of the rest. He takes care of all our problems even when we ourselves forget about them. Love You so much Baba and Thank You so much for taking me into Your abode. Thank You One and All for this amazing Baba’s work.
Sai Ram
Anonymous Devotee
Truly Baba is closely monitoring our Mahaparayan and He is the Director of this grand venture. Thanks, Baba for choosing us out of billions of Your devotees. Love You, Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Mahaparayan is a global mass prayer connecting Sai’s children across the globe. The power of group prayers is well known to all. When lakhs of devotees do it together globally wonderful things have to happen as after all our Dear Baba Himself is guiding us and directing every little thing of Mahaparayan. So let us illuminate more and more souls on this divine path. Surely only good things would happen as there is no question of anything wrong happening. Thank You Deva for the gift of Mahaparayan in this much needed Kaliyuga. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai SriSai Jaya jaya Sai
Om Sai Ram,God Bless,
Hi Pojaa Ji, regarding upcoming Mahaprayan, understand we have to read 2 Chapters every Thursday, for me is okay to prayan, wud like to suggest to read 1 chapter due to some people may just read only if 2C due to time factor, a group consist of 50 persons to complete Sai Satcharitra by that Group and 50 times a year derives to each person completes Sai Satcharitra-Jai Sai Ram