Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Krishnamurthy Iyer from India says: Om Sai Ram! Dear Sai devotees
My name is Krishnamurthy. I am narrating my experience below. Mother Sai showed His Leela at the time of my joining Mahaparayan even before the 1st reading commenced.
My experience as I spoke to you earlier, I will start with a background. Quite a few of my relatives joined Mahaparayana group earlier. I was feeling a little bad how I was left out. Then one day I got the link to join the group and I joined. When asked for, I volunteered to be a captain.
However when the group of 12 was formed all other members were Telugu speaking, the language I do not understand at all. I requested Sunita ji, our class teacher for a change so that I can step aside when a telugu speaking person comes forward. Because of this switch with another person my roll number got changed and the first chapter to read also got consequently changed. Here is where I see our mother Sai’s leela.
A few days earlier I had prayed to Baba and started reading one chapter a day. I stopped having my morning tea (for 50 years I could not do without having tea first thing in the morning. Sometimes even two cups of tea before I leave for the office). When I was exactly halfway through the parayan Sai answered and the activity I prayed for happened.
Coming back to Mahaparayan, because of switching places with the other telugu speaking person, the first chapters I got for reading was the part containing Cholker’s tea experience. I felt Baba, by making my Mahaparayan to start with this, has given a message that He fully well knows what we all are doing and just wanted to increase the faith further.
I would not have got this chapter to start my reading but for the allocation of all telugu speaking persons to my group and making the change later. It is only His play. Om Sai Ram .
Om Sai Ram
Krishnamurthy Iyer
Global Mahaparayan is a Mahayagna that Baba Himself started during the Centenary Year. Blessed are the captains, teachers and all other volunteers who get an opportunity to serve for this nobl, global, spiritual initiative directed by Baba Himself. Baba knows all of us in and out. Let us offer our all in all to our best possible for this Mahayagna (atleast by being the responsible and devoted participants if not volunteers) and then our life too would be sweet as the sugar candy. Love You Deva, Jai Jai Ho Sai…!
Pooja Garg
#Experience 516
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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Sai Sai Sai Sai