Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India says: Om Sai Ram!Please post my below experience and keep my email ID anonymous. I am not so good in English please do changes wherever is required.
Om Sai Ram to all lovely Sai devotees. I am from India. I am so happy to share my experience with you all by Baba’s grace and hoping to share more in the future. Baba is everything for me. Without Baba, I am nothing. There is no existence of mine without Him. I am not good at English. There could be many grammatical mistakes. Please forgive me and bear with me.
Two to three months back I came to know about Mahaparayan through Sai Devotees’ experiences website. I searched about that and prayed Baba to involve me in this. I wanted to become a part of this holy deed. Jan end I filled up the form and was waiting for the reply. Luckily I got the positive reply and became a part of MP-652 and My roll no. is 26 in Green House. I started MP from Feb 2019. I am going to share my beautiful experience which was happened last night 21st Feb, 2019 approximately at 12 am.
Experience- Last night I went to sleep at 23:00 hrs. I always keep my phone on silent mode and always take Sai Baba live darshan before going to sleep. Yesterday I did the same and went to sleep. Around 12 am my husband woke me up and asked me to drink water. He was awake as he had to finish his office work. I woke up and went to the washroom. I drank water and was going to bed. Suddenly we (Me and my husband) heard the Sai Bhajan Om Sri Sai Nathay Namah. I asked him where this sound was coming from. He asked me to check my phone as he thought that I may have kept an alarm. I said no I didn’t set an alarm for 12 am. Then I checked my mobile.
I checked my mobile there was no music streaming but bhajan was going continuously. After 01 minute struggle, I came to know that the bhajan streamed itself from the last page that I had opened Sai Baba Live darshan. To my surprise generally, we can’t take live darshan of Sai Baba from Shirdi Sai Trust Sansthan after 23:00 hrs and how it was possible at 12 am and how it streamed on itself.
This is because of Baba’s pure Leela that He confirmed that He is always with me. As I am 6-months pregnant, you all know in pregnancy we ladies always fear about the health of our baby. As I have left everything at the holy feet of Baba, He will take care of everything. He only gave me this beautiful gift. He only takes care of everything. Yesterday some fear was in mind since morning. To reduce this fear Baba did this Leela. Hey, Baba, Your leelas are divine and unique. We foolish people are not able to understand it properly. Please be with us always and help us to become good and kind human beings. Please help me to complete my Mahaparayan with lot of devotion and patience and complete it without any hurdles. Please be with everyone.
Om Sai Ram.
We may forget but Baba never forgets anything. We may err but Baba can never. If we forget to take His darshan He will make sure that He somehow gives us His darshan. Baba is everywhere, all knowing and omnipotent. Just His ways are His ways and we may not understand all at the same time but sooner or later we would understand His leela. So there is no need to fear for anything. Everything would be taken care of.😊 Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 571
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