Shirdi Sai Devotee Isswaryaji From India Says: I begin my narration with Pranams to Baba! I’m a Sai daughter who has been pulled to Him through His picture. Thanks to Pooja ji, who being Baba’s instrument, connected us all through this Mahaparayan. Often I used to read the devotees’ experiences in Saiyug network and one day I wished to join Mahaparayan and registered for it. As I didn’t get any calls after that, I thought it has been closed and was asking Baba how to join now?
Immediately a thought came to my mind to ask Nehaji who posts Mahaparayan experience in Saiyug network whatsapp group. I texted her and she said she was also in need of 3 devotees and joined me in her group. I’m reading in MP-136 Neha Sai group. I started reading from Nov 8, 2018. I’m in BMP, AASM, VSP, MP-136 and also a class teacher of one Mahaparayan group. I joined BMP in the 9thweek. Jan 1, 2019 was my 1st parayan.
I completed my Post-graduation in 2017 and passed out with a job in a private bank. My joining was so delayed that I couldn’t understand the reason for its delay. Suddenly my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent an operation. At that time I got job location so far from my hometown. I requested the HR people for change in job location or date extension quoting my mom’s condition as I must be there to nurse her. I thought Sai wants me to look after my mom now and so quit the idea of joining. My family made me join in bank coaching classes and I’m preparing now for competitive exams (May be Sai pulled me to this path). It has been one and a half years and still I couldn’t clear because of mere marks.
Coming to my experience, we were all planning to go to Shirdi in July, 2019. I was in a thirst to see my Baba and to be in the holy ground of ‘Shirdi’. Whoever goes to ‘Shirdi’ I jump in joy, as the word itself makes me happy. I started reading ‘Sai Baba Is Still Alive’ book and the 1st experience was the same as mine as how she really needed to go to Shirdi. I went to sleep after reading and I got a dream on Gudipadwa day that my exam results came and I cleared the competitive exam. I was showing the results to my mom and dad and jumping with joy not because I had cleared the exam and got a job but because my job location was ‘Shirdi’. I was thinking in dream that I got my posting in Shirdi and I could see my Baba whenever I wanted and I could visit Him every day. I could also get His Prasad and imagined myself being in Shirdi. The happiness I felt cannot be described. My joy knew no bounds in dream. You cannot call it as a dream as I was feeling the happiness in reality. The dream ended and I got up immediately. I could not even believe that it was just a dream because I felt the happiness as if it had really happened and everything was in clear picture. Still I have the same feeling when I’m writing now. That entire day I was with the same happiness.
I don’t know what the dream meant. But felt happiness as never before. Even now when I thought of writing the experience I seeked Baba’s permission in question answer site. The answer was ‘Dream comes true’. Not just one site, I asked in other site too and the same answer I got. Thinking about what headline to give, a sudden thought came to my mind as ‘Shirdi My Dream Visit’. I don’t understand what Baba is trying to convey to me through this dream but I’m happy that He is with me. Sorry for a lengthy post.
Om Sairam
Sai Daughter Isswarya
To see Baba in dream and visit Shirdi as early as possible is every Sai Devotee’s every day’s dream or say wish. Baba has His own ways and He pulls His devotees to Shirdi through various conveyances like aeroplane, train, bus, car and even dreams. Sometimes He Himself goes to meet His devotees if devotee is unable to come. He is just not in Shirdi, He is in every temple no matter which temple it is and where it is. He is just beside us and within each one of us looking at us every moment and aware of every little breath that we take. So we need not worry about anything and everything will be taken care of by our Jagatguru and the most merciful Sai Deva! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊
Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!
Pooja Garg
#Experience 647
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