MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Namrata From India Says:

Sai Ram, I am a part of MP-14 Rekha Sai group. This is the 2nd time when I am sharing my experience on the Mahaparayan blog. Mahaparayan has been a beautiful journey with many insights and self-realisations. Sometimes, there are questions that arise and Baba wonderfully leads me to unfold the answers too. The feeling of Baba pulling me with every experience that He gives is truly magical and leaves me awestruck each time. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Rakhi I would like to share the most cherished experience with all you Sai devotees!

I was working and had to suddenly take a break in May end since covid-19 changed many lives, mine being one of them. My 5 years old son Ayan needed full time attention as he was home now and also starting with his online schooling. I often asked Baba what could be the good behind this as I knew He had only led that decision but I wasn’t very happy about it.

Brother’s marriage is a wish that every sister has. Though I never joined my hands and prayed or never did any parayan for it, deep within I really wanted an ideal match for my brother and a sister-in-law who would complete my family. I am very close to him and considering he was not ready to get married immediately and the fact that our expectations were sky high regarding his bride to be, it kept getting delayed. He is a part of Mahaparayan too.

4 months back, I started knowing a Sai devotee Lavina Agarwal and we soon became good friends. An interesting fact being that the very reason behind our friendship is also in a way ‘Baba’ and ‘Mahaparayan!’

While casually talking we spoke about a mutual acquaintance (her sister) whom she praised and praised, and so much so that I thought, “If this girl is so wonderful and perfect, why should I not consider making her my Bhabhi?”

I discussed the proposal with my father and soon, by Baba’s blessings things fell in place. My brother agreed to get married after he met the girl on 4th June which was a Thursday too and in seconds it seemed like Baba fixed all the flaws that were delaying his marriage till then and just in a blink of an eye, my brother and the girl agreed and the marriage was fixed! That night I was overwhelmed for 2 reasons. One being that I had the satisfaction and security that this was the best match in terms of ‘girl’ and the ‘girl’s-family’ that we could possibly have and second being that I realized what a Master Planner Baba was! He planned one of the most important events of my life and knowing it would require all my time and efforts He made me take a break from my work and fixed things within 4 days.

There are many Sai incidences like the chits said ‘YES’ thrice that the marriage would be fixed when I tried to know the result in advance out of anxiety. They met on a Thursday (4th June) and the very day, before the day ended, they mutually agreed and the decision was made. Also, they met in the presence of Baba (Lavina’s house that has a huge murti of Baba). After it was a ‘YES’ I got to know that my Bhabhi was not only an ardent devotee of Baba but an active sevak of Mahaparayan too where she has formed more than hundred MP classrooms and thus I knew Baba had yet again added another gem in my life and blessed me. The engagement was on 11th June, again a Thursday! Signalling that it was Baba Who paired them up and He only used us as His instruments to conduct His divine masterplan. MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

                           Baba’s Darbaar At Lavinaji’s Place Where The Marriage Got Fixed

The wedding was fixed on 30th June and we hardly had 20 days in hand for all the preparations. The little time in hand and the lockdown made simple things difficult. Throughout these 20 days we faced several challenges and perhaps Baba’s tests too but Baba also had our back all through and showed us His presence and blessed us successfully out of each big and small difficulty. Baba planned the perfect wedding for them. When we entered the hall on the wedding day, I saw a huge portrait of Baba in the pheras mandap and my eyes almost blurred with tears, when I felt Baba reminded me how He had blessed us all and fulfilled my long pending wish and that too so beautifully! MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |
                                                 Mandap In Wedding Hall For Pheras

Through this post, I would like to thank Baba for all that He has done. Throughout the wedding preparations Baba stood strong by us and I know in future too Baba will lead us beautifully further. There may be times when He tests us but I know that He will never let His devotee down and in the toughest times He will carry us in His arms safely and help us reach our destination always. I can feel a stronger pull by Baba each day and it seems to me like Baba is adding one by one, beautiful gems in the garland of my life. Truly, His plans are His plans. On this occasion of Rakhi, I wish to thank Baba for giving me the most wonderful and caring ‘Bhai- Bhabhi’ and I pray for their everlasting love and happiness! Thank You Baba, for You never fail to amaze us with Your miracles at Your perfectly perfect timings. MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

                                                               Happy Raksha Bandhan

Good things have surely started happening and with all humility I bow to Baba and pray that He keeps showering His blessings on us. Pooja Gargji, thank you again for encouraging me to join MP and leading my ways to Baba. Will forever remain indebted. I thank Baba for getting Lavinaji in my life. Never had I thought that casual meetings and chats with a friend could bind families into a lifetime relationship. Can only say, “His ways are His Ways!” Wishing more power to the MP team and may glory be to our dear Baba always…!

With Complete Gratitude,
Sai blessed devotee

Baba beautifully ties all the bonds with bands of friendship, rakhis, marriage, spirituality, love,devotion and actually  truly what is called as ‘Rinanubandh’ (past birth connections). Baba is our Father, Mother, Brother and our greatest friend too.  Baba the great Leeladhar had His own leela behind this Raksha Bandhan special post too from Namrataji the Editor of this sacred MP blog and another gem in MP family. It is beyond our human intellect to understand His ways. When we let this great Magician to move His wand of Will, the magic happens…! 
Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Mahaparayan Family wishes everyone a very Happy Raksha Bandhan. May Baba protect all and free the world from the pandemic. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam!

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 986

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. Love you Baba. Jai Sai Samarth!
    Really amazing are the leelas of Baba.
    Happy Raksha Bandhan to Baba and all devotees.
    Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu.

  2. My son is in U S,last year he was trying for job,by Baba's grace got offer letter in one company,but the date of joining was delaying due to background check up,some times it may take a long time,chances of losing job too,I was keep praying to Baba.If he doesn't get the date of joining,he has to come back to India.At last Baba answered my prayer,it was a miracle really.It was by this time last year.And now facing another critical situation of H1b visa process,he has given the application, waiting for a positive results,100 percent I believe in my appa Baba,visa will be approved and all obstacles will be thrown away🙏🙏🙏.Om Sai Ram

  3. Even iam.much beliver in my sai baba blessings without his blessing my life wont be complete my daughter is gift of my saibaba after reading sai charithre I am really blessed my koti pranam

  4. Om Sairam �� Baba did create magic and make the wedding happen so soon. His miracles are great. Congratulations and good luck to the newly wedded couple. I pray Baba to create a similar magic for my daughter for whom I am searching a match.

  5. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience. Only with Baba, such miracles are possible. Om Sairam my father🙏

  6. Om Sairam. Baba you are so great and kind enough to help your devotees who dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to ur good self. Really ur timing and way of helping is unimaginable. I am very much thankful to my friend for suggesting my name to read MP which has made my life so enthusiastic and lovely. I convey my gratitude to whole MP team for giving us an opportunity to remember our Baba in this way. Thank you Baba. You are our whole and soul.

  7. OM SAI RAM!!!Ananthkoti Brahmanda Nayaka Raja Dhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai!!!

  8. Om sai ram…wish even my dream of getting promotion comes true which is pending from last 4years with babas grace.

  9. ఓం సాయి రామ్….
    ఓం సాయి శ్రీ సాయి జయ జయ సాయి

  10. Very nice experience. Beautiful mandir and Srimurthy at Lavinaji's house. Also Baba looks lovely in the portrait. Thank U for sharing them all. Also I loved "SAI PA"

  11. Its a great showers on a true Sai Devotee. Baba i am in a similar situation waiting for my son to get a Baba devotee as my daughter. Sai Baba bless me with your showers. I want always to be disciple. Om Sai Ram !

  12. 🙏OM SRI SAI RAM 🙏
    Trust SAI He Omnipresent…
    Bow to SRI SAI…Peace be to All🙏
    Best Wishes to the Newly Wedded Couple and entire Family members…Stay Safe and Stay Blessed with Baba's Blessings.

  13. Om Sai Ram..
    I thank my friend Prema for introducing me into this MP group…Special thanks to Manasi for continuing the movement…
    Baba's Leelas are beyond one's comprehension…
    Baba,as parents, even we are eager to perform the marriage of our Son.. waiting for the suitable moment.please shower your grace on all of us…

  14. Om Sai Ram..
    Waiting for a miracle to happen in my Son's life too.. Please shower your grace on all of us Baba..

  15. Feeling very happy for you ma. Baba bless you always right through your life.
    He always lives with those who loves him.
    Om Sairam

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